Monday, August 22, 2016

Quotable Mo

Mo Willems was in town last Friday night. He spoke for free! (Thank you The Ohio State University Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum and the Wexner Center for the Arts.)

I took this picture of Mo Willems just as he was telling the audience to put away all our devices and just BE THERE for the experience. I followed directions...mostly. I kept my notebook open and my pencil ready.

He told the story of his childhood Charles Schultz fandom. How he loved that the characters were easy to draw (so are his) and how Charlie Brown had it worse than he did. He even wrote and asked Charles Schultz, "Can I have your job when you're dead?"

We heard about his early cartooning jobs. "Anonymous or semi-anonymous failure on a regular basis is a great way to get started."

He was part of a standup comedy duo with a dynamic much like that of Elephant and Piggie. He also taught improv, which was evident especially during the Q/A session.

"If you're the smartest guy in the room, you're in the wrong room."

"I'm constantly failing."

In discussing why he reads primarily nonfiction, he said, "Books are the questions I don't know the answers to." and "I love the truth -- it's so messy."

His goal for his own writing? "I want a book to not look written." and "I need to be terrified to do my best work."

In the Q/A part, a woman asked how he felt about the possibility that people changed up his stories when they read them aloud to their children. He said, "The book is just a suggestion! It's a dialogue! I only bring 49% of the story -- readers bring the rest!"

About Elephant and Piggies names, "Elephant Gerald is my favorite singer." Elephant hides behind his name and his glasses. Gerald is neurotic. "That's a big person word for alive." Piggie is Piggie.

Just about the funniest moment of all was when a kid came to the mic and asked, "Can I have your job when you're dead?"

"Writing is really fun lying."

Which is your favorite book? "My books are like my children, which means some of them grow up to be disappointments."

How do you get your ideas? "I grow them in my notebook."

"My favorite book is my next book."

Then he read aloud his next book, from the F/Gs (F'in' Gs -- "Not as nasty as it sounds, it stands for folded and gathered").

You will want this book. You will want to read it aloud to children. You will never be as funny reading it aloud to children as Mo was reading it aloud to us. (See improv and standup comedy notes above.)

"I don't want to be this generation's Dr. Seuss, I want to be this generation's Mo Willems."

Mission accomplished, Mo.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Poetry Friday -- Any Morning

Photo via Unsplash

Any Morning
by William Stafford

Just lying on the couch and being happy.
Only humming a little, the quiet sound in the head.
Trouble is busy elsewhere at the moment, it has
so much to do in the world.

People who might judge are mostly asleep; they can't
monitor you all the time, and sometimes they forget.
When dawn flows over the hedge you can
get up and act busy.

Little corners like this, pieces of Heaven
left lying around, can be picked up and saved.
People won't even see that you have them,
they are so light and easy to hide.

Later in the day you can act like the others.
You can shake your head. You can frown.

I'm looking forward to a morning like this. Maybe tomorrow. Add in a trip around the Poetry Friday roundup, and you've got another little piece of Heaven to "be picked up and saved."

Speaking of the roundup, Dori is our hostess this week at Dori Reads.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Still Learning to Read: Filling Book Bins on the First Day of School

This is one of a series of blog posts that continue the conversation around Still Learning to Read--teaching reading to students in grades 3-6.  This series will run on the blog on Tuesdays starting in August 2016.

Reading Workshop is one of the first things I want to have up and going by the end of the first week of school.  We get started with Reading Workshop on the first day of school and I want every child to have books for independent reading time. I want them to know right away that they own their reading.  

Our Reading Workshop is in the afternoon, so sometime before that time, we'll build our book bins.  I have empty 24 book bins set up in a few places around the room. (I purposely do not put them all in the same area to help with traffic.)  These bins are waiting to be filled!

I make sure that the first day of school is fun, slow and happy.  I want kids to have time to know the room, know each other and play a bit to transition into the routine. So for the first few days of school we have about an hour to explore various things in the classroom--Legos, Math Games, Straws and Connectors, Apps on iPads, Pixie on Laptops, etc.  During this exploration time, I meet with 3-5 kids at a time at a table to build book bins.  Each child finds a book bin in the room that they'd like to claim for their own.  We label it with a sticky note--knowing that our photo will be printed to label it later in the week.

Then we do a quick tour of the library--just to get the basics--picture books, series books, nonfiction, graphic novels, author baskets, etc  Kids often see a familiar book to add into their bins, others seem to have a specific book in mind that they'd like to read. Still others have no idea where to begin when it comes to choosing a book to read.

I take time with each group of children, pointing out books, asking about old favorites and what they read in the summer, suggesting titles. I suggest that kids have a variety of books in their bins--short books, long books, fiction, nonfiction, familiar books, new authors, etc.  My hope is that each child has 3-4 books in their book bin before our first Reading Workshop.  I'll take a picture of the child and their books to keep as our first piece of assessment.

This is a great time for me to listen in. It is my first conversation with individual readers and their first time talking to me about books. It is an important time. I know that every child will not have the right books in their bins--that is all part of the process.  My big goal is for them to know that they choose the books--that they are in charge of their own reading and that I will support them along the way.

As the week goes on, we'll have lots of reflection about our book choices. Many of our share sessions during those first few weeks of school will be about the books they are choosing. We'll reflect on questions like:

Did you have enough books to keep you reading the whole time?
Which book had you hooked?
Which book didn't seem right for your right now?
What kind of book did you wish you had in your bin today?
Did you find yourself sticking with one book or moving between books?
Is there a new book or author you discovered today that you are excited about?
Did anyone read a new book by a familiar author?

My rule for the independent reading portion of the Reading Workshop those first few days is that everyone Stays Quiet and Stays Put. It sounds a bit harsh but it starts as only a 10-15 minute time period. I want kids to feel what it is like to find a spot with books. I want them to determine how many books they might need. I want them to get used to not getting up and down for drinks or restroom breaks or even new books during this time. (Later I loosen up but these first few days are important to establish a routine that we can build on.

This means that kids can trade out books when they arrive in the morning. I'll also have many mini lessons around book choice and they'll be able to switch out books between the mini lesson and independent reading time. I'll confer with kids during this time to help them refill their book bins.  

I'll also be keeping an eye on kids who are comfortable with the books they chose.  I'll watch their engagement and behaviors with the books they have.  I'll ask them how it is going? I'll do a lot of observations during this time.

Throughout the year, the student book bins remain critical. Kids have their daily reading in these bins but they also have books they hope to read next. The book bin becomes a visual reminder of each child's current life as a reader.  After the first few weeks, readers change out their book bins whenever needed. After the first few weeks of learning what a 30 minute independent reading period feels like, reflecting on which books keep us engaged, meeting with me about the books in their bins and mini lessons around book choice, kids choose books very naturally. The lessons on book choice are critical and the book bin helps so much with this learning.

(You can follow the conversation using the hashtag #SLTRead or you can join us for a book chat on Facebook starting September 1 by joining our group here.)
Our new edition of Still Learning to Read will be released on August 15 but you can preview the entire book online at Stenhouse!

Monday, August 15, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

for the It's Monday! What Are You Reading? Round-Up!

Much of the reading I did was catching up on the amazing #PB10for10 booklists.  WOW! Cathy and Mandy have created quite an amazing event. Even though I did not create a list this year, I have been reading so many lists. I have been amazed at the ideas some people had for organizing. And of course, I've discovered new books!  No matter how much I try to keep up with children's books, there are always so many that I don't know.  A good problem to have for sure!  If you have not followed the #PB10for10 hashtag or visited their Google Community, you might want to block off a day or two to check it out!

I haven't done a ton of reading this week. I've done a lot of getting-ready-for-school stuff!  But I found 2 books that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE! It is not often that I find a book that is perfect for a transitional reader AND might make a good read aloud. Well, this year I found 2 amazing books for 3rd graders and I am so excited about adding them to our classroom library. These book might work for primary grades and I think because of what the visuals have to offer, they would be popular in 4th and 5th grade classrooms too.

Lucy by Randy Cecil is a sweet story about a dog, a girl and her father. Lucy is a small, homeless dog who the little girl feeds every day. This is a sweet story with lots going on and one that would make a good read aloud with a document camera.  Each page has a bit of text and a black and white illustration.  There is lots to see in the illustrations. There is also a lot to think about as to how the storylines work together.  I loved falling in love with this book and can't wait to share it with my students.

Juana and Lucas by Juana Medina is another book that will be released in September.  Another perfect book for 3rd graders! And I read somewhere that it is the first in a series. WOOOHOOO!  Juana lives in Columbia and speaks Spanish.  Lucas, her dog is her best friend.  When Juana has to learn English in school, she is not happy. But she works hard to be successful. Juana is a great new character. The pages are filled with colorful illustrations, some fun changes in font and some amusing diagrams like the one below. 

This is a fantastic new series that is PERFECT for 3rd graders!!


Friday, August 12, 2016

Poetry Friday -- Beginning...again

Photo by Mary Lee Hahn

A Teacher Turns the Calendar Page From July to August

It's the same feeling you get
just after you've nudged the sled 
over the shoulder 
of the hill.

Movement becomes momentum
and quickly shifts 
to catapulting and careening.

You relinquish control
and hold on 
for the ride.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2013

Next week is the official start of school in our district -- teachers on Monday, students on Wednesday.

And so we begin...again.

Julianne has the roundup at To Read To Write To Be.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Power of a Reading Community

Years ago, Mary Lee and I started to meet at Panera once a year to chat books. I was always amazed that she was able to read so many books a year. One year, I thought I remembered her saying that she tried to read 26 books a year. I decided that  I would try the same thing. That year, I read 26 books and told Mary Lee what a great goal that had been for me and I thanked her for sharing.  Mary Lee gently told me that I must have misunderstood—that she read 52 books a year that averaged out to one a week.  She had specific goals for the kinds of books she read making sure to fit in a certain amount of adult fiction and professional reads.

These were the years that I started to track my reading life.  I started to jot down books that I’d finished and reflect on my year. I liked to look at the books I read, when I read more/less in the year? Were the patters to my reading?  Was my reading balanced?  I loved the end-of-the year informal tallying I did to celebrate and reflect on my reading year.

Last week when I was cleaning/moving my office I found this scrap of paper. I knew immediately what it was. My first “formal” reading logs. These were the days before Goodreads so I jotted the titles I read in a notebook and then tallied to reflect on my reading life.  I loved the end of the year when I could look back and see what I’d read and set goals for the new year.  My coding tell me books I read each year,  a tally of the kinds of books I read (Children's, Adult Fiction, Nonfiction, Professional, etc.). Another page in the notebook broke the totals down by month.

There is so much to be said for being part of a community.   It pushes you to be better. Just talking to Mary Lee over time and hearing the number of books she read pushed me to set goals for myself and to read more.   And there is so much power in this expanded community that we can now be part of because of social media. Now we are all part of an online community of readers and we follow other readers on Goodreads and Twitter.  Following people like John Schumacher and Donlyn Miller has helped me read more than I ever thought possible. Following people like Teri Lesesne has helped me read more young adult fiction.  Following people like Colby Sharp has helped me stretch the authors I know and read.   My daily reading of the Nerdy Book Club post has helped me start each day thinking about reading and books.  I feel so lucky to have the reading community that I do.

Our reading communities make a difference for us and for our students. I think specifically about our students who don’t see themselves as readers yet.  If they are in a classroom with a teacher who reads and they see classates reading on a daily basis and getting excited about books, chances are they’ll join the community eventually.   They will want to be part of the fun. And they'll build new behaviors, habits and skills because of the community that supports them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Picture Book 10-for-10 -- Incidental Diversity

I first encountered the term "Incidental Diversity" in the HornBook article "2015 in Review: The Year in Pictures" by Julie Danielson. Incidental Diversity is "the appearance of characters of color whose ethnicities are incidental to the story."

Now I'm actively on the lookout for such books. Here are 9 books that Julie featured in her article, plus 1 more too good not to share:


Narrative nonfiction about space/planets and light pollution.


Leo is a ghost who has a hard time making friends.


A beautifully illustrated collection of "poems for all seasons."
(truth in advertising!)


Sophia wants a pet giraffe, and with every ask,
is required to be less verbose. 
Great mentor text for writing persuasion.


A Classic. Peter goes out and plays in the snow.


"A Book About the Water Cycle" (more truth in advertising!)


The joys and sorrows of raising and keeping chickens.


What James really said and what came back to the main character via the mouths of several friends are two different things.


The trials and tribulations of raising a dinosaur in the city.


Okay, I'm cheating a little on this one. It's a nearly wordless graphic novel, not a picture book per se. But it's so fun, and it goes together with Peter Brown's WILD ROBOT in such interesting ways...robot washes ashore, learns how to be himself, is hunted down by the Robot Corporation to be taken back and made to be
what is expected from a robot.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Still Learning to Read: Setting Up the Digital Classroom Library

This is one of a series of blog posts that continue the conversation around Still Learning to Read--teaching reading to students in grades 3-6.  This series will run on the blog on Tuesdays starting in August 2016.

School starts in a little over a week. My classroom set up is coming along (of course there is always something to do when it comes to setting up a room!)  This weekend, I worked on revising and updating the digital classroom library that will start our school year.  For kids to make intentional decisions, they must have choice.  I used to introduce a few sites for reading at a time and built over the first few months of school but last year I created a page on our Weebly with all of the sites kids could read. This year I revised it a bit by adding new sites and getting rid of those that were outdated or no longer active.

The Reading page of our Classroom Weebly is here.  I've found that Weebly is an easy website for young children to navigate because of the design and the visuals.  I am certain it will grow and change as the year goes on and I have no idea which of these sites kids will be most interested in this year (every class is different). But this is where we'll begin so kids know that digital reading is an option during Reading Workshop. They'll also have access to these sites at home by accessing our website. 

These are the sites that my 3rd graders can access from our website:

A few years ago, our class created a Symbaloo of Authors We Love.  We created this one day when we were playing with Symabaloo and it's become a great resource.  This Symbaloo links to many authors that kids love. It DEFINITELY needs updated and it seems like a good project for us once the year is started.  

Kidsreads is one of the best sites I know for kids to learn about books, authors, and series.  The website is packed with book reviews, announcements for new books and author interviews and it is perfect for middle grade readers.

Wonderopolis is a favorite source for shared reading and independent reading.  If you don't know this site, you should spend lots of time exploring!  There is a new wonder posted each day along with an article sharing the answer and more.   The site is searchable so kids can find past wonders that match their current interests. 

LivBits is a new addition to the Weebly this year.  Olivia has videos, Instagram post and more sharing her thinking about books, authors and reading. These are great videos by a reader close to my students' ages.  Love this site!

SI Kids, the Sports Illustrated site for kids has a variety of great reading material for kids.  The site is full of articles, videos, interviews and more and is easy for kids to navigate.

DOGONews is a kids's news sites. Articles are accessible to kids and most are about topics they are most interested in.  There site also includes book reviews "for kids, by kids".

Pebble Go is a membership site that is one of the best nonfiction sites I've seen for primary readers. There are several categories of nonfiction and kids learn to navigate for information in an authentic way.

Toon Book Reader shares early graphic novels with kids. We have many of the hard copies of the books in our classrooms.  Readers can choose to read on his/her own or to have the books read aloud. There are options to change the language from English to Spanish, French, Russian and Chinese also.

Friends with Fins is one of our favorite video sites for informational videos.   I know that learning from videos is important to digital reading so sites like this are critical for my students.  Watching videos to learn (as opposed to for entertainment) is new to many of them. The focus of this is on Ocean Conservation and the videos are the perfect length for middle grade readers.

I could spend all day on ZooBorns. The site focuses on baby animals in zoos around the world.  Each day there is an update about some baby animal somewhere in the world. So it is fun site to check in with on a daily basis. Or, readers can search by animal or zoo which adds to what is possible.  The photos on this site are fabulous!

Big Universe is another site that our school subscribes to for nonfiction reading. Students have an account and can read ebooks on a variety of topics.  They can log their reading, add books to their to-be-read shelf and more.

NewsELA is a site filled with news articles, text sets on current issues and more. There is so much to explore here! 

Animals for Smart People is another site of informational videos by author, Jess Keating.  These are a perfect length and the visuals she includes are supportive to understanding the topic.

Smithsonian TT Junior has daily news, photos audio and video. This has a good variety of interesting information for readers.

We discovered Emily Arrow last year and created a Padlet of her videos. This became one of our most popular sites as Emily Arrow is the best and the way she interprets books through song is fabulous!

I feel like this part of my "classroom library" set-up is as important as the bookshelves in my room. Knowing sites that are accessible to my middle grade readers and expanding what they "count" as reading is an important early-in-the-year message. I feel like we'll be off to a good start.

Are there any other sites you include in your digital classroom library?

(You can follow the conversation using the hashtag #SLTRead or you can join us for a book chat on Facebook starting September 1 by joining our group here.)
Our new edition of Still Learning to Read will be released on August 15 but you can preview the entire book online at Stenhouse!


Monday, August 08, 2016

(Almost) In Time for the Olympics

One of the sections of my classroom library that is perpetually lacking is the sports books -- both nonfiction and fiction. I struggle with nonfiction because there are so many sports students are interested in and the famous players change with every season, it seems. I struggle with fiction because for every 10 readers who are sporty, 5 like to do sports AND read stories about sports, but 5 like to do sports AND NOT read stories about sports.

So, when students are interested in sports I either send them to the school library or bring them a stack of books from the public library. Another great option is found in the Epic app. Epic is free for educators.

Since the Olympics are on, there's bound to be an upswing in requests for sports books. In addition to the offerings on the Epic app, these two newer National Geographic titles are sure to be popular:

Kids love to browse the National Geographic Weird but True! books. Where else can you learn tidbits of information about the Pig Olympics, Skijoring, and Bo-Taoshi?

This thin volume is packed with sports information and nonfiction minilessons (table of contents, diagram, pictures and captions, compare/contrast, main ideas and details, headings, and an interactive glossary (multiple choice quiz with the answers at the bottom of the page).

Friday, August 05, 2016

Poetry Friday -- Gratitude List

Gratitude List

Praise be this morning for waking early,
tree crickets buzzing, the humid air,
the puffy clouds lined with pink first light.
Praise be my morning tea, steaming hot,
the cat underneath my feet,
the caterpillar on the sprig of dill
in a juice glass on the kitchen table.
Praise be these blueberries from Michigan,
this yogurt, thick and creamy,
from a local farm co-op. Praise be the basil,
sturdy and fragrant in the morning light,
and for the tall purple ironweed and the
goldenrod, both on the verge of blooming.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2016

When the poem Gratitude List by Laura Foley showed up in my inbox via The Writer's Almanac, I knew I wanted to use it as a mentor text and paint a picture of a midwestern morning to mirror her ocean beach morning. It was a fun exercise and a good reminder that borrowing from another writer sometimes makes my own writing not just better, but possible on a day when I'm not sure I have anything to write about! Yes, this will for sure be a writing workshop minilesson in my 5th grade classroom!

Gratitude List

Praise be this morning for sleeping late,
the sandy sheets, the ocean air,
the midnight storm that blew its waters in.
Praise be the morning swim, mid-tide,
the clear sands underneath our feet,
the dogs who leap into the waves,
their fur, sticky with salt,
the ball we throw again and again.
Praise be the green tea with honey,
the bread we dip in finest olive oil,
the eggs we fry. Praise be the reeds,
gold and pink in the summer light,
the sand between our toes,
our swimsuits, flapping in the breeze.

by Laura Foley (used with permission of the author)

Tara has today's Poetry Friday roundup at A Teaching Life.