Wednesday, March 07, 2012

World Read Aloud Day

Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Ben Bunch

Today is World Read Aloud Day. I have been considering and reconsidering read aloud in print for 10 years and in classroom practice for almost 30 years. When I attempt to distill the power of read aloud, it always comes down to COMMUNITY.

Read aloud builds a community of readers.

Read aloud is the common thread that ties together all the listeners in the classroom. It gives them books in common, authors in common, stories in common, and characters in common. Read aloud is when we think together, laugh together, and sometimes cry together.

Read aloud is the dock where we tie up all of our reading canoes, the airport where we land our reading airplanes, the parking lot where we park our reading cars.

Read aloud is a movie theater, where everyone in the audience gets the same soundtrack, even though the screen and the pictures are inside each head.

Read aloud is what solitary readers can do together. It’s a book club, only better, because the conversations don’t just happen after everyone has read the book in isolation. You talk about the book all the way through. Sometimes there’s no time left over to read the book because you’ve spent so much time talking about it. And that’s okay, because read aloud has a permanent spot on the classroom’s daily schedule. The book will be there, waiting for us tomorrow. We can plan on read aloud. We can depend on read aloud.

Read aloud builds readers.

Read aloud is the constant in the changing swirl of classroom content. It’s the learning time that demands both the most and the least of a learner. It’s a time, I was told by a student once, to “learn without trying.” The listener takes from the read aloud what he or she can or will on a day-to-day basis.

Read aloud might be the book that none of the listeners would ever read independently. Read aloud provides a life vest, a climbing harness, a parachute, a safety net to support readers through topics or ideas or genres or events in history that they could never or would never attempt on their own. Read aloud stretches minds. Read aloud opens doors. Read aloud breaks down barriers.

Read aloud cannot be measured or programized or standardized or equalized or regimented. It is organic. Everything depends on the teacher, the book, and the listeners. Read aloud can never be the same thing twice. Read aloud is an art, not a science. The reader paints meaning with book choice, inflection, intonation, sound effects, pauses, and discussion. The listener begins by viewing the reader’s paintings, but often ends up inhabiting the paintings – becoming the characters, experiencing the settings, living the story.

Build can mean construct, establish, or increase. Read aloud builds community, and read aloud builds readers.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Pinterest for Professional Learning and Other Stuff

I am slowly becoming addicted to Pinterest. Again, I have to thank the young teachers at my school for getting me to pay attention to this tool.  I started playing around on Pinterest early and just got back to it. I love the visualness of it. I love the ways that I can pay attention to professional and personal links all at the same time. I love how easy it is to find great things and how easy it is to keep them organized. I like that I can save/pin great recipes to try. I love that I can follow companies Cheesecake Boutique and Team Sparkle. I've recently discovered that Pinterest is also good for professional thinking.  I love the ways different teachers I follow are using Pinterest to collect ideas, things to try, books for unit planning, etc. I have several boards and mine currently include Library Thinking, Literacy, Things I Want to Buy, In Case I Ever Get Crafty, Books, Fitness, Things That Make Me Laugh, Ideas I Like, Teaching, Technology Learning and more.  I am starting to pay attention to the ideas others have for boards and I am learning so much.  So many possibilities!  I thought I'd share some of my favorite boards that connect to teaching:


JILL FISCH Pattern Book Genre Study

KATIE KEIER Classroom Spaces to Live & Learn In

ANN MARIE CORGILL Books and Display Ideas

JULIE RAMSEY'S Learning Spaces and Ideas to Try in the Classroom




And, guess what? Kelly at The Book Butcher has started a new Friday tradition--sharing your favorite pins. Check it out and join in!

Monday, March 05, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

I feel like I am back into reading a bit more these days! I loved Teri Lesesne's post on the Stenhouse blog on Reigniting the Passion.  I especially appreciated her point about taking a break from reading.  Sometimes I have so much to do that I can't give myself time to read and I feel guilty either way. Giving myself permission to take a break sometimes helps!  I had a great reading week. This week I finished
SEE YOU AT HARRY'S by Jo Knowles. This is an amazing book but a devastating read.  It is one of the hardest books I've ever read and I have not stopped thinking about it. I won't say much but the story is one of family, love and loss.  And it is told so well. The book is being marketed to ages 10+ but I am thinking it is more 12+. Not sure though so I'd love to hear what others think. Really, an amazing book and one I would highly recommend--a must read. But just be ready for a hard read.

I read lots of picture books. My favorite of the week was Z IS FOR MOOSE by Kelly Bingham.  What a fun alphabet book! I am so happy to add this to my ABC book collection. This is such fun. Mary Lee talked me into this one with her review!

I picked up CRAFTY CHLOE by Kelly DiPucchio at Cover to Cover this weekend.  I love Kelly DiPucchio so was happy to see a new one from her.  This book is about Chloe, who loves to make things. I love it for lots of reasons--I loved the character. I loved the value the story places on making things and creativity. I am going to be working with 1st graders on how-to writing so this book will be a perfect conversation starter. There is a website that goes along with this book that will hopefully build to include lots of crafts for readers to try!

I am so excited that Kevin Henkes added a new mouse to his characters. I loved PENNY AND HER SONG and will be reading it to classes this week or next.  I love the quiet story, the short chapters and this addition to the Henkes books.

I had not had time to read THESE HANDS by Margaret Mason and kept meaning to. So glad I read it this week. A very powerful book.

Right now, I am reading a few things.  I am reading THE HUMMING ROOM by Ellen Potter. I love Potter's writing and since this book is closely related to THE SECRET GARDEN, I am excited about it. I am about 1/3 of the way through and I love the character.  Looking forward to finishing this.

I am also reading PROJECT BASED LEARNING IN THE ELEMENTARY GRADES. I registered for a workshop on the topic in June and thought I'd read a bit first.

And, I did finally finish HEALTH AT EVERY SIZE by Linda Bacon. I am glad I read it. It made sense to me--the philosophy of health over weight loss goals seems like a smart way to live.

There are several books on my To-Be-Read Stack:
We have an ARC of THE FALSE PRINCE by Jennifer Nielsen and one of my 5th graders read it.  When I found it back on my table, there was a post it on top of the book that said, "One of the best books I've read in a long time." So, it has made its way to the top end of my stack!

Beth at Cover to Cover shared CITIZEN SCIENTISTS by Loree Griffin Burns with me and it looks like a great nonfiction read.  I think it will be a great one to share with upper elementary students to connect with their science work.

I keep hearing about CROW by Barbara Wright and want to read that one soon.  And I want to read NERD CAMP since I'd heard about it from CYBILS.

Finally, I have a copy of Ellin Keene's newest book called TALK ABOUT UNDERSTANDING:  RETHINKING CLASSROOM TALK TO ENHANCE COMPREHENSION and it looks amazing. I think talk is the key to great learning and I can't wait to hear what Ellin has to say about this topic.

See what others are reading today at TEACH MENTOR TEXTS:-)

Friday, March 02, 2012

God Bless the Experimental Writers

Flickr Creative Commons Photo by J. Paxon Reyes

God Bless the Experimental Writers

by Corey Mesler

for David Markson

"One beginning and one ending for a book was a
thing I did not agree with."

          --Flann O'Brien from At Swim-Two-Birds

God bless the experimental writers.
The ones whose work is a little
difficult, built of tinkertoys
and dada, or portmanteau and
Reich. God help them as they
type away, knowing their readers
are few, only those who love to toil
over an intricate boil of language,
who think books are secret codes.
These writers will never see their names
in Publisher's Weekly. They will
never be on the talk shows. Yet,
every day they disappear into their
rooms atop their mother's houses,
or their guest houses behind some
lawyer's estate. Every day they
tack improbable word onto im-
probable word, out of love, children,
out of a desire to emend the world.

This poem has been used in its entirety with the permission of the author. His website is here. Next time you're in Memphis, visit his bookstore and buy a few books!

I chose this poem for everyone who is starting a blog and/or starting the Two Writing Teachers' Slice of Life Challenge for March. Yours isn't exactly the same kind of experimental writing as in this poem, but it IS a grand experiment, isn't it?!?! Have fun! Good luck! Cheer ME on next month when I'm writing a poem a day!!

Dori has the Poetry Friday roundup this week at Dori Reads.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

February Mosaic

I am continuing my Numbers and Letters Project for my version of Project 365 this year.

1st Row: 2 (2 hands, child reading 2 versions of CORALINE), 7 (Food for Thought at the Old Worthington Library), Food for Thought

2nd Row: 1/2 (Food for Thought--Macaroon), 11 (Tweet Peeps before the Reading Recovery Conference), G

3rd Row: 11,13, 57

4th Row: I, Hand of Buddha, 9

5th Row: 5, 4, B

6th Row: P, H, X

7th Row: S, M, J

8th Row: Snowdrops, 1 (first dandelion!), Pete the Cat

9th Row: Bottles, Plate and Cup, Playing for Change

Z is For Moose

Z is For Moose
by Kelly Bingham
illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky
Greenwillow Books, 2012
review copy provided by the publisher

Zebra is putting on a production of the alphabet. Everything is going just fine ("A is for Apple/B is for Ball/C is for Cat") when suddenly Moose breaks in -- "D is for Moose." Moose keeps asking if it's his turn through E, F, G, H, I, J, and K. Anticipation builds on L, and then...

"M is for Mouse."

Moose goes ballistic, completely wrecking the set for N, O, P, and Q. Just like Melanie Watt's Chester, Moose takes his red crayon to R and S, and then Zebra protects T-Y with his life.

Good ol' Zebra finds a way to include Moose in the end!

I loved this book immediately and shared it with my students when the F&Gs came a few months ago. When I got my Horn Book Magazine this week, I was pleased to receive a confirmation of my opinion. The book received a starred review from Horn Book!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Zero the Hero

Zero the Hero
by Joan Holub
illustrated by TomLichtenheld
Henry Holt, 2012
review copy provided by the publisher

My students and I loveloveLOVED E-Mergency by Tom Lichtenheld and Ezra Fields-Meyer!!

When I put the poster for Zero the Hero on the chalkboard, excitement was instantaneous.

E-Mergency was a funny look at the way the letters of the alphabet work together (and how our words suffer when the E cannot be used). In Zero the Hero, ("A Book About Nothing"), Zero has all the trappings of a hero -- mask, cape, and pointy boots -- but he doesn't seem to be able to do anything amazing (mathematically speaking) all by himself.

"The thought gave Zero a hollow feeling inside." So he runs rolls away. Without Zero, the other numbers realize they are severely limited. Then, when the Roman Numerals capture the Counting Numbers...well, Zero can finally be a true hero.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

James Preller Author Visit: An Amazing Day

We hosted James Preller at our school on Friday for a K-5 Author Visit. It was a great day to be the librarian at Riverside. A great day for kids and teachers!

James Preller has many books and I love all of them.  One of my favorites is JUSTIN FISHER DECLARES WAR. I think it was when I read this book that I realized how well Preller understands kids at this age.  What I learned today, is that he understands kids and people of all ages.  It is a gift and his writing shows that.

James Preller had every group of students engaged, thinking and laughing. He told stories of his life and stories of his writing. He told us about his family and he shared his first ever book with us.  He talked to us about the ways in which his real life plays into his writing by sharing specific examples.

As a K-5 librarian, it is sometimes difficult to find an author who really meets the needs of all K-5 students. James Preller certainly does. He has books for all ages and he has an amazing rapport with students of all ages. The Kindergarten classes had a ball and the older kids left saying, "Wow, that was great."

We really kept the visit simple and about reading and Preller's books. All of the kids in the school knew James Preller's work and I love the fact that they can grow up with his books. Our primary kids had a great time with A Pirate's Guide to First Grade. Talking in pirate talk is really pretty fun and kids had a ball with that. But the book is about school and literacy and lots of things so the book was a great anchor before his visit. During his visit, our 1st grade classes wore construction paper pirate hats. They were amused and had a fun time listening to his reading of the story in their hats (which was much, much better than mine--I guess I need to learn to talk from the back of my neck or something or other that Preller advised.). (If you do not know about Construction Paper Crayons, they were quite a hit for a few classes who decorated their hats. Thanks to our wonderful art teacher for sharing this great new type of crayon!)

We had lots of classes read Jigsaw Jones and I am sure they will all be checked out for the rest of the school year.  I believe strongly in series books for transitional readers and this is a perfect beginning mystery series. Now that the students have some insights into Jigsaw, they'll read them a little differently.

With our older kids, James shared some of his work around Six Innings and Bystander.  Our 5th graders just finished Bystander and were interested in all he had to say about bullying and being a bystander, about standing up instead of staying silent.

I bought many copies of each of Jimmy's books for our library. I imagine they will all be checked out tomorrow. I imagine they will be checked out all year as our students look for the books they know a bit more about.

The author visit was one of the best for lots of reasons.  James Preller is genuine. He is a great guy and very sincere. He let kids know who he was as a person and as a writer. And I think this visit really had an impact on their lives as readers. For our students, meeting James Preller was about meeting a rock star.  But it was also about reading and books and understanding the life of a writer better. The day was a joyful one and I would highly recommend James Preller as an author visit for elementary and middle school students. It was really a perfect day.

James Preller visited Bailey Elementary School a few years ago and Bill has been raving about the visit ever since. I can see why.

(I interviewed James Preller a few months ago for a Choice Literacy podcast. You can find that podcast here.)

Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Monday: What Are You Reading?

So, I haven't had time to read lots lately. But, the things i've read have been such fun. Here are some highlights!

I read Polly Horvath's new MR. AND MRS. BUNNY-DETECTIVES EXTRADINAIRE BY MRS. BUNNY.  It is absolutely HYSTERICAL. I LOVE Polly Horvath--I have ever since I read EVERYTHING ON A WAFFLE years ago.  I picked this one up on a whim because I was in a reading rut.  I found myself laughing outloud early in the book and quickly fell in love with both Mr. and Mrs. Bunny. I decided I was hooked when I read this:

"Yes, you do that," said Mrs. Bunny, who wanted to get back to her fitness routine. She didn't like Mr. Bunny around for this.  He tended to make remarks.


There are many surprising lines like this and I laughed aloud throughout the book. I have no idea if kids will catch the humor but I am pretty sure they will.

Even without the humor, this is a fun story and I highly recommend it. This book received several starred reviews so lots of people love it. A must-read, I think!

And, thank goodness for the CYBILS. I quickly ordered a few of the winners that were announced last week. It is always fun to discover new-to-me books and I thank the CYBILS for recognizing some great books I may have missed.  I read the nonfiction picture book winner,  I FEEL BETTER WITH A FROG IN MY THROAT: HISTORY'S STRANGEST CURES by Carlyn Beccia. This is a fun book that I am sure kids will love.  The book tells of various cures used throughout history and examines those that do/do not really work. I read it cover to cover and learned lots.

I also read HAVE FUN, ANNA HIBISCUS! How have I missed this character?  WOW! I love this character--I love her like I love Clementine and Roscoe Riley. She makes me smile. I ordered every Anna Hibiscus story after I read this one!

Since I am trying to start this running routine, I am also reading a few books to keep me thinking about that.  HEALTH AT EVERY SIZE is a good read. Lots of interesting information about lifestyle changes. I like that one but I am LOVING WHAT I TALK ABOUT WHEN I TALK ABOUT RUNNING by Hakuri Murakami.  A great reflective, memoir-type book about running, writing and life. I am anxious to read more of this one this coming week.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dublin Literacy Conference 2012 Slides

This weekend, I gave a session on Comprehension in a Digital Reading Workshop. Below are the slides from the session.Dublin Literacy Conference 2012
View more presentations from Franki22.

The handout included these reflective questions for teachers about our workshops. They are questions I am using to think about digital texts across workshop routines.

What role do digital texts have in your reading workshop?

Read Aloud
Do I choose to read aloud only texts from traditional books or do I share digital texts, audio books, blogs, etc. during read aloud?
Do we use web resources such as author websites and book trailers to help us dig deeper into the book we are reading?
Do I read aloud from websites and blogs?

Independent Reading/Reading Conferences
Do we use online resources for book previewing and book selection?
Do I limit students' independent reading to traditional books or do they have a variety of options for their reading time?  Do I place equal value on reading on e-readers, reading websites, etc. as I do on reading novels?
Do I help my students use online tools to support their lives as readers? Do I value annotation tools, bookmarking tools, RSS feeds, etc. as part of my readers lives? Do I model these tools in minilessons?
Do I introduce digital pieces and discuss digital reading when conferring with students.
Have I updated my reading interview to include questions about digital reading?

Reading and Writing Minilessons
Do I use digital texts or pieces when teaching minilessons?
Do I rely completely on traditional text or do I use film clips, blog entries, podcasts, etc. when planning minilessons?
Do I share process in my minilessons? Do I tend to share process only as it relates to creating text-based pieces?
Do I share my own writing process?  Composing in several types of media?

Shared Reading
Have I reflected on the resources I rely on for Shared Reading?
Do I include web reading and viewing when thinking about Shared Reading experiences?
How can I include a variety of texts for students to process through together?

Content Reading
Have I found sources for content reading that go beyond textbooks and traditional text?
Do I rely on newspapers for talk around current events or do I tend to focus more on sites like DOGONews and other sites that combine text and video?
How am I supporting the importance of visual information in the content areas?