
Friday, August 04, 2006

Poetry Friday--Confessions of A Reader

This is one of my favorite poems. It was written by a teacher. I found it years ago in a professional book. Enjoy!

Confessions of a Reader

Almost spring.
A spider
Stakes a claim
On a corner
Of the eight-foot window
In our living room.

Each morning
I admire
Taut guidelines,
Carefully placed spokes,
Dancing gown threads,
Architecture unrivalled.

My mother
Would not tolerate
Such slovenly housekeeping.
She would get a broom
And knock down
This errant squatter's palace.

I do not.

I am waiting for Charlotte
To leave a message.

Carol Wilcox
From All That Matters: What We Value in School and Beyond edited by Linda Rief and Maureen Barbieri
Heinemann, 1995


  1. I love this! I watch spiders too, and try to explain to my 4 YO why we like them more than msquitos.

  2. Anonymous3:14 PM



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