
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just Finished The Higher Power of Lucky

I just had my hair colored, weaved, cut--the whole thing. So, I had a little bit of extra reading time while I was sitting in the hair chair. What a lucky day! I was finally able to finish THE HIGHER POWER OF LUCKY, this year's Newbery Award. It is sad that when we can finally get our hands on a copy of this book, the only publicity it seem to be getting revolves around the author's use of the word scrotum.

THE HIGHER POWER OF LUCKY by Susan Patron is an amazing book. One of my favorite Newbery Award winners. When a book wins that I don't know about (which is pretty darn often), I am usually disappointed by the win, not seeing what the committee saw in the book. However, I am totally in love with THE HIGHER POWER OF LUCKY. What a great, strong girl character if we've ever met one. Lucky has some of all of us in her. She is unsure of the people that love her and is looking for that Higher Power that will make her whole. For me, Lucky was a combination of so many of the best females in great books--Claudia (FROM THE MIXED UP FILES), Comfort (EACH LITTLE BIRD THAT SINGS), Anna (SARAH, PLAIN AND TALL) Opal (BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE) Novalee (WHERE THE HEART IS). She is the best of so many characters that I love.

This story is a great story of hope and love and it is told brilliantly as we come to know, understand and love Lucky. The story is short but full of life. I don't want to give away the plot, but the plot isn't where the story is. The story is in Lucky and her relationships with herself and the other people in her life. It is about people and what they become for each other.

I am totally bummed that this book is becoming known for the word "scrotum" --which, by the way, is also a brilliant part of the writing--Lucky's curiousness and awe about life and the world around her. This book is truly deserving of the Newbery and I commend the committee for making such a wise choice:-) A book that children and adults of all ages can relate too. It is too bad that so many children could miss out on this book because of the decision of a few librarians. This book is one that is too good to miss!


  1. Glad you read it and liked it! Nice write-up you done done here.

  2. Very nice review. I can't wait until I get a copy. Sounds like a great book.

  3. I brought this book home to read this weekend. Hopefully we will have a snowday on Monday and I can get to it!

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am so happy that you read this book and wrote about how wonderful it was. Rather than go on and on about the controversy, as some have, you simply mentioned it (which was completely appropriate) and then focused on the book. I am very much looking forward to reading this winner, though unfortunately, our orderer for the children's section has not put it on our "to be ordered" list. I'm really hoping she changes her mind. As a new blogger about all things books, I am really hoping I can do the same thing you have within your blog...simply write what I feel and not care what others think!


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