
Monday, April 23, 2007

YAHOO! Mother Reader's 2nd Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge is Coming Soon!

Mother Reader has just announced the dates for her 2nd Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge

We missed this fun weekend completely last year. But, this year, it looks like we might be able to participate a bit! The weekend is perfect for us (we hope!). Our last day of school is Thursday right before the challenge. What better way to spend our first few days of summer than to read for 48 hours!!

If you don't know about this fun, check it out on Mother Reader's website. I was amazed at how many books people could read in 48 hours. I have no intention of trying to win but what a fun great excuse to sit around and read for the whole weekend!! A great time to catch up on that huge pile of books that you've been meaning to read.

Trying to get my family to do it too. A quiet house would be so much easier to read in, don't you think?

Wonder if there is a way to get the kids in our class to participate if they want to?

I have been waiting for this for months! Let the piles begin!


  1. That would be truly neat if you could get the kids in your class to participate!

  2. Glad you are so excited! Last year I believe that there were some bloggers who offered "space" on their blogs to people who wanted to participate, but who didn't have a blog. There were also some bloggers who set their own goals, so the kids could think of a related challenge.

    I will say it may be a hard sell to get kids to read for long on their first weekend out of school. Mine will have another week to go, and I'm sending them to the pool with their father.

  3. Wow! What a great way to spend a week-end. We are still in school here, but maybe it would be a great excuse not to do those final grading piles. :)Thanks as always for the info.

  4. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I really like the idea of kids doing a version of this. How about trying to finish a chapter book in one weekend? Or a short book (picture, early reader???) each day. Something really bite-sized to keep it fun...


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