
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Guest Reviews

A former student sent me these reviews of a couple of new books I passed along to her to read.

Letters from Rapunzel
Review by Eye Red Abook

When you open the pages of Letters from Rapunzel, you will be entranced into the average world of, you guessed it, Rapunzel! This young tween is despairing because of her Homework Club and of her father’s clinical depression “Evil Spell," so she writes to a Post Office Box number to confide her troubles to an unknown stranger. This is a hilarious and heartwarming tale that should now be in your hands, as you sit, spellbound, on the davenport, reading.

Into the Wild
Review by Fan Tasy

Imagine a world in which you are doomed to repeat, over and over, the same old fairy tale, and you have to be the same character. This is the world Julie encounters as she tries bravely to retrieve her mother, Rapunzel, her adopted brother, Puss-in-Boots, and her adopted grandmother, Gothel. This fast-paced tale has twists and turns every way you look, so beware. The Wild bites, even harder than Julie knows.


  1. Wow. The only person in the world I've ever heard use the word davenport is my mother! I'm charmed.
    I've read both these books and think these reviews would make good booktalks. Perhaps you have a budding teacher or librarian on your hands.

  2. Actually, she will be a writer. I'm sure of it.

  3. Wow! She is very articulate with her thoughts.

    She might be interested in seeing the book trailer I made for Into the Wild...(I'm posting it on my blog Monday.)

  4. Thank you for posting these reviews. I love those creative pen names. :)

    And I agree 100% on your "will be a writer" prediction!


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