
Monday, July 21, 2008

A Visit to Hodge-Podge Books

I was doing some work in Albany, New York last week and was able to fit in a visit to Hodge-Podge Books. Frank Hodge, the owner is quite well known. Most likely, if you love children's books, you have read about Frank and his store. So I was very excited when our friends Val and Amy set up a visit for us!

What a fun and cozy place it is! And what a wonderful man Frank is. He gathered us around to share with us some of his new favorite books. In the photo, you'll see some of us who were part of the visit--me (on the floor) Cris Tovani, Debbie MIller, Philippa Stratton, and Rachel Billmeyer. (Val and Amy were kindly taking photos from the visit!)

Mr. Hodge shared some of his favorite new titles. I purchased a few that he mentioned--my favorite being MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMP. Crack me up--who thinks of these things? We also got a sneak peek at Mem Fox's upcoming picture book TEN LITTLE FINGERS AND TEN LITTLE TOES! It seems to be due out in November and I just can't wait! It is a great book--as is always the case with Mem and will make for the best baby gift ever!

I picked up two new books that I hadn't seen before. One is a great one for the beginning of the school year. It is called
HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR by Susan Milord. This book is connected to The First Day Campaign that I don't know much about but seems to be a way to involve families by making the first day of school a celebration for families. The picture book is a great one that captures the way so many of us feel on that first day of school and how the day always ends on a happy note.

I also picked up M IS FOR MISCHIEF: AN A TO Z OF NAUGHTY CHILDREN by Linda Ashman. I was drawn to it because the illustrations were done by Nancy Carpenter who illustrated 17 THINGS I'M NOT ALLOWED TO DO ANYMORE (which cracked me up!). This book is a kind of poetry/alphabet book. The author describes 26 "naughty" children. These are poems that kids will definitely like more than the adults, but I found many of them quite amusing. My favorite child in the book was 'Doodling Daphne', although there were several that I loved. A fun book about naughty kids with lots of fun surprises (and of course, great illustrations!)

It was a great trip. If you EVER have a chance to meet Frank Hodge and to visit his wonderful store, I would highly recommend it. It is quite a treat!


  1. Oh my, THANK you for this! I can't wait to read the naughty book (you were the one who turned me on to 17 Things way back when it first came out!)....and, yes, I love Oxenbury. She's the best. Mem Fox, too.

    What a lovely visit that was!

  2. SO jealous. Green with envy.

  3. Can't wait to get 10 little fingers...I saw the Mary had a Little Lamp too. YOu said it perfectly...who thinks of this stuff?


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