
Thursday, September 25, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE Disney World. I love the whole idea of it and we have a great time every time we visit. I am not a huge fan of vacations with nothing to do so Disney is a good kind of relaxing for me. Bill at Literate Lives recommended this book and also reviewed it on his blog. It was one of those books I wasn't sure of (science fiction/fantasy is not my genre of choice) but I was hooked IMMEDIATELY!

In THE KINGDOM KEEPERS seems that the "bad guys" (the Overtakers) in Disney are trying to take over the park. It is up to Finn and his friends to save the park. They have just been hired as "hologram tour guides" and this technology adds to the fun. The whole idea is fun and very believable.

This is a great adventure. It is science fiction but not so much that it is hard to follow. The book is full of action but not so much that it takes over more of the book than the plot. And I loved that it took place in Disney World. It was fun to be able to visualize all of our favorite Disney spots throughout the book (the author did a great job of including so many of them!)

I am not usually a plot-based reader. I read for characters I love. I can't say that I loved or really even got to know the characters in this book well. But the plot was enough for me to get hooked and stay hooked. I can see that this book would appeal to lots of readers.

There is a sequel out to the book that was published this year. I have not read it but am anxious to see if it is as good as this one. I can see this working for 5th grade and older.


  1. Wow- I've been looking at your blog for a few weeks now as I am in a new position in the school library and a little in over my head. Fianlly a book on your blog that I've actually read! :-) This is a great book and I just started reading it to my 6th graders. Can't wait to hear what you think of the sequel!

  2. Hi guys,

    I've given you an award! Thanks for the great reviews.

  3. I loved the idea of this when Bill blogged about it. Now, that a second person has said it, I guess I'll need to read it myself!

    And by the way, I had no idea you loved Disney, but it makes perfect sense now that I think about it!!

  4. I did this book as a read aloud last year, and it was a slow start. You have to stick with it in the classroom. My 6th graders ended up loving it, and it became one of our favorite reads of the year. It was up for the Mark Twain Award in Missouri. Right now, I am reading Rules, to the kids and they are soooo absorbed in it!


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