
Friday, October 10, 2008

Poetry Friday -- October in the Elementary School

(Check out this graphic from the blog Indexed before reading the poem.)

October in the Elementary School

Developmental Reading Assessments
(meetings before school)
Spelling Assessments
(meetings during planning period)
Math Facts Assessments
(meetings after school)
Student Assessment and Intervention Database
Interim Reports
Parent Conferences
(staff meetings)
(deep breath)
Finally Friday
Blessed Friday
Poetry Friday

Thank you, loyal Blog Readers for your patience during this time of much school work and little blogging.  It's feeling like there will again be enough hours in the day to include reading and blogging.  Beginning today.

The Poetry Friday round up is at Picture Book of the Day.
For more information about Poetry Friday read Susan's (Chicken Spaghetti) article.
For information about copyright and Poetry Friday read Cloudscome's excellent article.   


  1. Very well said as I get ready to tromp off toward my 8:10 FRIDAY MORNING meeting!

  2. Ain't that the truth?

    Good luck getting caught up, and take it easy.

  3. I have a meeting with my kids later, but those are always both enjoyable and productive. :)

  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I am passing this on to my staff. They will love it!

  5. Yeah, it's Parent Conference time already. WOW. Hang in there!

  6. I know what you mean. It's crazy here at my school too!

  7. I feel your pain...and your bliss.

  8. Here's hoping October is better than Sept.! But we just got new smartboards in the labs and I have a feeling the pace of change is in hyperdrive.

  9. Hang in there. Hope you get some breathing room soon . . .

  10. Oh a week in the life of an true that is! Just when you think it's done, your principal calls an emergency Friday right after school meeting...makes you want to pull your hair out! Finally home; until Monday when I get to do it all again!

  11. You are amazing at reading my mind!Thanks for putting it into words!

  12. I listened to two teachers talk candidly next to me at a restaurant. Boy, was it eye-opening. They basically said that they were asked to do so much crap that they just ignored it all and waited to see which crap was truly important. Oh boy.

    I'm so glad Poetry Friday is an oasis for you!

  13. So glad you're coming out from under the pile! Love the ML-original poem! Hope you can catch your breath this weekend!
    i also hope your health is better than the last time I saw you!


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