
Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I started this "series" early in the school year and have since realized that a book has to be pretty darn good to make my list! Sometimes when I am reading a book I love to the 4th class in one day, I start not loving it anymore. It reminds me of when my kids were young and they wanted to hear the same book over and over and I got to the point that I couldn't stand the book anymore. But, there are a few books that I really do think I could read a million times. I just never tire of them.

I have found two more books that make my list-books I can read over and over and continue to love them.

WHO ATE ALL THE COOKIE DOUGH by Karen Beaumont is the most fun to read with young children. I love to watch their faces. They never tire of the rhyme and rhythm. And the ending is always fun--even when it isn't a surprise anymore. I first heard about this book from Katie at Creative Literacy. (I think she actually picked up a copy for me.) Who can tire of the rhyme that is almost more fun than the original? "Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Moe! Who ate the cookie dough". The text takes us through lots of possible suspects to find a fun surprise answer at the end.

I love THE LITTLE BIT SCARY PEOPLE by Emily Jenkins for totally different reasons. My cousin told me about this book and I wasn't sold on it at first. But now that I have read it several times, it is definitely one of my favorites. This book takes a look at people who seem scary on the outside--the teenage boy down the street, the policeman whistling at traffic, the bus driver who blows her horn--and then helps us realize that maybe they aren't scary. I love the message of this book--looking past our first impressions of people, past the outside appearances. They're really not so scary after all! And the repeated texts and colorful illustrations add to an already amazing book. One I don't think I'll get sick of because I so love what it says.


  1. I'll add Me Hungry by Jeremy Tankard to my list. It makes me laugh and the kids in THE PIT every time I read it!

  2. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Oh, I've got to read Who Ate All the Cookie Dough! Thanks for sharing these.

  3. Books I could read a million times: Leonardo the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems and Bark George by Jules Feiffer. Granted, I have never had to read them over and over on the same day, so it's possible they may not stand up, but I read them every chance I get at storytime!

  4. The Cookie Dough book makes me very excited, and I love Emily Jenkins, so I'm going to have to check that book out. Great series!

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Two more books that sound like winners! Thanks!

  6. OK, so how about we start a list of books we could read a million times, like that one hundred cool teachers one you did a while back-- I think it would be fun!

  7. I'd never heard of either of those. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Franki,

    There are dozens of children's books I could read a million times. One of my absolute favorites is MY LITTLE SISTER ATE ONE HARE, written by Bill Grossman and illustrated by Kevin Hawkes. Its rhythmic, rhyming text is humorous and a tad gross. It's a perfect read-aloud for all ages.

  9. This is such a great column. These are the books they need to know about for the holidays ... since they'll be reading them 100 times! Will you be including them in your recommended holiday list?


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