
Friday, February 12, 2010

Poetry Friday in video and music

This makes me smile. I hope it does the same for you.

Is it poetry? I say YES! It's a list poem, illustrated with video images, and accompanied by music. Amy Krouse Rosenthal is the author and the music is by Elizabeth Mitchell.

I need to remember #5, #13 and #14 as a teacher, but I need to write #20 on the bathroom mirror so that every day I remember to slow down my crazy life just a little bit!

Lee Wind (I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I read?) has the Poetry Friday roundup this week. Head on over to check out this week's poems.

There are six five four three NO slots open in the roundup schedule for the next few months (see sidebar). Would YOU like to host a Poetry Friday roundup? Stay tuned in June for a new call for hosts!


  1. Hi Mary Lee, I'll be back for the poem later--I can't play video yet this morning. But you can put me in the May 21 slot for hosting PF, if that works.


  2. You've got May 21, Laura! Thanks!

  3. "It's hard to be sad around a bendy straw" *swoon* (especially when it's in a root beer float!)

    Thank you, Mary Lee...I've got a smile for the whole day now.

  4. I can take 4/16! Let me know....

  5. Okay, finally watched that. Ah, such wise advice. Yes, I always want to stop for coffee. And I'll have a root beer float with Sara. With a bendy straw, of course.

  6. It really is a charming video. Saw it awhile ago and it definitely made me smile. :) I'm SO relieved that doing nothing is actually "something."

  7. Jules,

    4/16 is yours!

  8. i feel inspired to make a similar list-poem for my own kids! Thank you for featuring it. Time to get out of the house... world peace vs. car peace... tickiling - all so true!

  9. I love "Only pout as long as you can stand playing by yourself." We're living that this snowbound week!

  10. Lovely piece!

    I'll take the last May date if it's still available.

  11. Tricia,

    May 28 is yours!

  12. loved it, wish I could go back and captutre those days--when kids were little. Thanks for the smile


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