
Monday, April 05, 2010

Poem #5 -- Visitor

If not for Girl Scout cookie sales,
She wouldn't come back to see me,
Wouldn't come telling her theater tales,
Wouldn't help bring back the memory

Of times when life was easier:
A whole world contained in one room
With one set of memories linked to one teacher.
From across my desk, I watch her bloom.

by Mary Lee Hahn, copyright 2010


  1. "A whole world contained in one room"

    I loved visiting my former teachers and having my former students visit me. Thanks for the lovely poem reminding me of that lasting connection.

  2. So beautiful. There's nothing better than visits from former students! One of the things I miss most about being in my own classroom was the visits from my "graduates."

  3. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Oh that last line. Love this! Some teachers are hard to let go of.

  4. This is a very touching poem re those lasting connections. Thank goodness for Girl Scout cookies!

  5. Lovely. Now I know to send my teen back into school to sell her Girl Scout cookies so her teachers can see the young lady she's grown to be.


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