
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother Reader's 48 HOUR BOOK CHALLENGE and Other Summer Fun

Summer is actually right around the corner! With all the stress of the end of the year, it is pretty amazing to realize that in just a few weeks it will be summer. I am pretty busy this summer--probably more busy than I am during the school year. But, summer has always been a time for me to read, reflect and rethink things for fall.

I LOVE that Mother Reader's 5th Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge will happen on the first Saturday after our students are finished with school. Although we have never been able to dedicate the entire 48 hours to reading, and are not really competitive in this challenge, we all try to participate by starting the summer off with lots of reading during that 48 hours. We have found ways to participate in the event even though we can't totally commit. It is one of our favorite events of the year and we love Mother Reader for organizing it. One of these years, we might be able to actually compete. But for this year, we are enjoying our own version of the event.

Just as we did last year, the Central Ohio Blogger's group will be meeting for breakfast and book shopping at Cover to Cover as part of our 48 Hour Read Celebration. We imagine that on Saturday morning, Bill from Literate Lives will have granola, Julie at Raising Readers and Writers will buy too many books :-) and there will be a few tug-of-war situations when Sally shares some ARCS from Cover to Cover. We love any excuse to get together with our book-loving friends and we can't think of a better way to kick off summer. So, look for posts from all of us throughout the 48 hour read weekend.

Another things I am excited about this summer is that I think I get to meet Rebecca Kai Dotlich. Bev Gallagher, an amazing teacher, invited us both to be part of a great day at Princeton Day School called GATHERING WORDS. Our paths seem to cross once in a while but we have never been able to actually meet. As you know I am a HUGE fan of Rebecca's. Bella and Bean is one of my favorite books, and am very excited to get to meet her.

I am also looking forward to attending November Learning's BLC 10. I have never been to this conference and am looking forward to it. The keynotes look amazing and I am excited about the other speakers as well. Plus, it is in Boston and I am sure there is some good shopping!

We've also put a few dates on the calendars for our informal tech learning from each other. Last summer, a group of us from Dublin and area districts, got together at different homes to teach each other the things we had tried, to share ideas and to play with new gadgets. It was some of the best learning I've done. Put some of your favorite people together in a house with some food (Mary Lee often makes cheesecake:-) and how can it not lead to great learning and great fun?

Mary Lee and I are also doing a new workshop for Choice Literacy called "Matching Students and Books". I always learn lots when I think and plan with someone else and I always learn from the Choice Literacy participants. Looking forward to all of the Choice Literacy events.

Between all of these, our district leadership academy, and some other events, I am looking forward to a busy (in a good way) summer. When I add all that I read on twitter and blogs, I am sure my head will be filled with new thinking every day.

And people think teachers take the summer off!?


  1. Wow! You are going to be busy! I, too, love to use the summer as a time to learn and grow professionally. I am thrilled that you have taken the lead this summer and organized a few learning opportunities for us in Central Ohio!

  2. Hi...I am an avid reader/lurker of your blog (who should comment more often!) I'm about two weeks away from having my first baby HOWEVER, some of my summer plans (besides new-motherdom) include reading/reviewing my way through the Top 100 Childrens Picture Books and Novels...using the list voted on over at the School Library Journal. I would LOVE to have some more if anyone wants to add THAT to their summer reading plans...join me!


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