
Monday, September 27, 2010

Apple Dip Recipe for Teacher Events

(In an attempt to live a more balanced life, I thought I would share a great recipe today.)

Today, we had a Teacher Sneak Peek at the Book Fair. Teachers came in before school, browsed the books and created Wish Lists. And, of course, we had some food. If you are looking for a great and easy fall recipe, the Apple Dip I made was a huge hit. It is the quickest, easiest thing I have ever made. I got the recipe from my neighbor over the summer and have made it several times since then. I have no idea where it originated but I would love to thank the person who figured out this combination of ingredients.

I use a regular size pie plate to serve this in.

1 cup brown sugar
1 large container of whipped cream cheese
1 large container of caramel apple dip
1/2 bag mini chocolate chips
1/2 bag crushed Heath bars
8-10 apples

Take 1 cup of brown sugar and 1 large container of whipped cream cheese. Mix these together with mixer.

Spread this onto bottom of pie plate as 1st of 3 layers.

For the second layer, use a large container of caramel apple dip. Microwave it a bit until it is spreadable and then spread it on top.

Finally, for layer 3, cover caramel dip with mini-chocolate chips and crushed Heath bars. Use enough to completely cover the caramel.

This is great with apples or graham cracker sticks. Or actually with anything:-)


  1. Sounds fabulous and yummy. My best friend is coming in a couple of weeks, on my list to make. Thanks for sharing and reminding me about balance.

  2. Yum...I am bookmarking this post! I love your apple dip.

  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Yum! Perfect for autumn.

  4. Made it once already for a birthday party. Everyone loved it and wanted the recipe.

    I am bringing it to breakfast at school next Friday. I know the staff will love it.

  5. Wow! I thought I was reading Smitten Kitchen there for a minute!

    I think this could be something we take to our friend's October party. And we're making "Thing" cupcakes (with a grass making decorator tip)!

    "Cooking with Franki"... I like it!

  6. My family could not get enough of this dip when I served it recently. Will be serving it again for Book Club next Sunday. Very yum!!! Thanks for sharing!


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