
Friday, February 25, 2011

There Is No Frigate Like A Book

Emily Dickinson (1830–86). Complete Poems. 1924.

Part One: Life

THERE is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.

This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul.

2011 NCTE Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts
Complete list here

Sara has the Poetry Friday Roundup today at Read Write Believe.


  1. I remember trying to spell "frigate" in grade school so that I could write out this poem from memory. Definitely one of the notables!

  2. Outstanding list of Notables, and good work, you. I had to squee over a few friends' books being on it. Yay!

  3. A fabulous "Notables" list...and a poem to go with it...thank you!

  4. What a list! So much poetry, and so many favorites. Now to investigate the books I do not yet know. Thank you to you and the committee for all of your work on this. A.

  5. Great notables list, ML! Thanks for your good work on the committee. Nice to read this old favorite poem again.

  6. I love that graphic & the list is wonderful! Just tweeted it.

  7. Hi, Mary Lee--

    First, you think you know a poem, and then it pops up and grabs you in a new place. Go Emily, and take me with you.

    Second, I'm so envious of your Notables job. It's good to know that my tastes have been ably represented--so many books I have loved; so many more to fall for. My Word Verification is "tuoricto," which I think means both "you are right" and "your inner riches." : )

  8. Good work, Mary Lee! And a well-matched graphic.

    I wonder if that poem has been etched in stone? I can picture it.

  9. Thanks, All, for stopping by and giving your stamp of approval for the NCTE Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts. The committee worked long and hard to comb through the submissions and find 30 that we could agree celebrate language arts and the Art of Language in a notable way!

    Heidi -- love your word verification word/interpretation!

  10. I want this poem carved into an old leather book cover. It is just so true.

    Great Notables list--thanks for your work!


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