
Friday, April 15, 2011

Poem #15 and Poetry Friday -- I'm Your Mom


I'm your mom when you're in school.
I mom you sharply when you're cruel.
I mom you gently when you're hurt.
I mom the buttons on your shirt!

(I mom the music teacher's tie.)
I always mom you when you cry.
(I mom the plants on the windowsill.)
I mom you when you're feeling ill.

I'll never be your mom at home.
I'll never see what you'll become.
I'll never tuck you into bed,
Never hold your feverish head.

But I'm your mom when you're in school
And I'll mom you into shape with rules
Because I love you like you're mine...
I hope your real mom doesn't mind!

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2011

The first two lines of this poem came to me while I was brushing my teeth yesterday. Luckily, I took the time to write them down so the poem wasn't lost!

Our fourth graders had their spring concert this week, and the boys looked so nice in shirts with buttons! Unfortunately, that meant that one shirt got buttoned lopsidedly. So I really did "mom the buttons" on a shirt! The music teacher's tie was peeking out from under the back of his collar, so I really did "mom the music teacher's tie."  On Wednesday, our garden club planted giant sunflower seeds, birdhouse gourds, and pumpkins in cups that are now sitting on classroom windowsills throughout the school. The ones in my room join the ancient geraniums that live in my classroom during the winter. Again, I really do "mom the plants on the windowsill!"

The thing that delights me most about this poem is using mom as a verb. Perfect, no?  :-)

Diane has the Poetry Friday Roundup at Random Noodling today. Take your noodle over to her blog and check out this week's offerings. Happy Poetry Month!


  1. "Mom" as a verb is fantastic! And this poem could not be truer. I feel lucky to be teaching an 8th grade class this week, and I love "momming" them. This is one for every teacher's heart. A.

  2. This gave my heart a little tug. Thanks for writing it.

  3. And still another TERRIFIC poem! Wow, wow, wow! I love the verb "mom" too! And it's so, so, so true. Teachers "mom" all day every day! Love getting up to your poems every morning!

  4. Mom is the best verb! Love the poignant third stanza, "I'll never see what you'll become." Tugs at the heart.

  5. I love "mom" as a much fun! And so true. I mommed a girl this week when I noticed she had her top on insideout. A fifth grader she could have died of embarrassment if anyone else noticed it.

  6. i had a "mom" in high school, and she saved me. she mommed me into aking her journalism class, mommed me into writing for (and later editing) the annual journal of student fiction, and mommed me through some tough social situations at school. she kicked my butt and it's no exaggeration to say she was responsible for making me want to graduate.

    here's to the "moms" who mom.

  7. Very cool! I was wondering if you made "mom" a verb or if it was an expression I just wasn't hip enough for... LOL go girl!

  8. This is GREAT! Thanks for sharing it!

  9. Love your poem. Can teacher be a verb? I spent the day rolling sleeves and safety pinning costumes for our living museum. Third graders in historical clothing from Colorado History is wonderful.

  10. One of your best--heartfelt but never sappy because slightly off-center. This week I made exactly that speech, about how our class is a family and I'm the mom and you're the children, and mommed them sharply because someone was being--well,not quite cruel, but certainly rude.

    May I share with my teacher community?

  11. Love this poem, Mary Lee. And the picture!

  12. Lovely writing, I also like the mom as a verb. I am also a mum/teacher and love how you have connected the two. Thanks for sharing and well done on writing the first lines down in time, so so SO annoying when they slip away...


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