
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Class Photos...

My 2nd grade class photo. I am the 3rd from the right in the front row.

My 4th grade class picture. I am on the far left side in the 2nd row from the bottom--
the one with the Holly Hobbie dress.....


  1. I teach first grade and I keep my kindergarten group picture (1953)posted so that only I can really see it to remind me how happy and excited I was about learning. My grandchildren (2 boys 5 and 6- 2 girls age 3)are there as well. With today's pressures I need the reminder to keep the humanity in teaching.
    Your blog, Choice Literacy, Taberski,Catching Readers Before They Fall, and the Sisters etc. etc.
    keep me going. As I teach, my Reading Recovery training is always there to make me mindful of the words I use. I reread Choice Words
    about every 3 months to keep me in that zone. Thank you for your inspiring words and literature suggestions! My students and grandchildren are grateful.
    Lani Nelson

  2. I agree about keeping the humanity in what we do.

    Choice Words is on my TBR pile for this summer, too!

  3. I love the idea of keeping your picture in sight to remind you how happy and excited you were! I noticed this when I looked back at mine. Now, lots of years later, it is nice to look back to see us as happy, enthusiastic kids excited to learn. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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