
Sunday, April 08, 2012

BIRTHDAY CAKE - a food poem, a cooking poem


Measuring Spoons
Our advice?
Be precise.

Kitchen Aid
I stand…
I mix, blend,
whip, stir, knead…
at your command.

Cake Pans
We’re fickle.
Three layers stick
whenever we pick.

Violets on the Windowsill
We choose
purple for our blooms.
You make the air go blue
because of what the pans decided to do.

Come sit.
Write a bit.
the humor in all of it.
Be resigned,
start again. Don’t quit.

© Mary Lee Hahn, 2012

Poem #8, National Poetry Month 2012

Cathy, at Merely Day By Day, is joining me in a poem a day this month. Other daily poem writers include Amy at The Poem Farm, Linda at TeacherDance, Donna at Mainely Write, Laura at Writing the World for Kids (daily haiku), Liz at Liz in Ink (daily haiku), Sara at Read Write Believe (daily haiku), Jone at Deo Writer (daily haiku)...and YOU?


  1. I really love this one! I felt like I was right there with you in the kitchen. Maybe my pans have had a mind of there own on occasion! I hope your next batch went a bit more smoothly!

  2. Clever use of experience, sad to hear however. I was waiting for some kind of culinary delight!

  3. Big smile from me who understands this...and strives for your response. Love the nouns! a.

  4. Anonymous10:46 PM

    And me as well...writing mostly haiku.


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