
Monday, April 02, 2012

BOXED IN -- a goose poem, a city nature poem


They've made their home
in a commercial zone.

He struts down the walk
where no predators stalk:

the vigilant gander
threatening human bystanders,

while goose wishes she
had more privacy.

© Mary Lee Hahn, 2012

Poem #2, National Poetry Month 2012

Cathy, at Merely Day By Day, is joining me in a poem a day this month. Other daily poem writers include Amy at The Poem Farm, Linda at TeacherDance, Donna at Mainely Write, Laura at Writing the World for Kids (daily haiku), Liz at Liz in Ink (daily haiku)...and YOU?


  1. That is so lovely!

    They should put your picture and poem into a nature calendar. :)

  2. Hey, thanks for the mention. I'll do the same, Mary Lee. I love that first line "They''ve made their home, in a commercial zone." How many stories every spring arise because of the ducks and geese. We complain about them year round, yet most of the time, people protect them at this miracle time. Your poem captures just that moment beautifully.

  3. This one made me smile :). Cute and clever!

  4. Mary Lee, what an interesting predicament for the goose and gander. I loved this line, "The vigilant gander / threatening human bystanders." Thanks for continuing to shout poetry and causing me to want to join in the fun. I enjoy being on the lookout for poetry.

    Thanks for letting me know about other blogs joining in the celebration of National Poetry Month. I'm trying to add them to the sidebar of my blog.

  5. So little space left for our feathered friends.

    I love the ending.


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