
Friday, April 06, 2012

MURDER? - a food poem

Photo Credit: Farmanac iPhone App


Sunflower sprouts on my chicken salad:
baby sunflower plants.

No, inPLANTicide.

© Mary Lee Hahn, 2012

Poem #6, National Poetry Month 2012

Cathy, at Merely Day By Day, is joining me in a poem a day this month. Other daily poem writers include Amy at The Poem Farm, Linda at TeacherDance, Donna at Mainely Write, Laura at Writing the World for Kids (daily haiku), Liz at Liz in Ink (daily haiku), Sara at Read Write Believe (daily haiku)...and YOU?


  1. Giggling...I hope I haven't offended the plants.

  2. HA! I love that little sick side you have, Mary Lee! xo, a.

  3. I can't let my husband, Jeff, read this. He'll be devastated. He's a bit obsessed with sunflowers. As a matter of fact, he came back today with two packs of sunflower seeds to plant. The title is so important in this poem. I find choosing a title to be much harder than I anticipated.

    1. I am LOVING choosing titles! Ever since Final Page of Oak Leaf's Memoir, I have realized how very integral the title is to the poem. Not a descriptor tacked on after the poem is written, but sometimes almost the first line of the poem, or an early punchline, or the bit that makes the poem mean more than it ever could on its own.

  4. Eeek!

    Why does this seem worse that cracking sunflower seeds between my teeth?

  5. This Is Just To Say

    I have eaten
    the sprouts
    that were on
    my sandwich

    and which
    you were probably
    for the garden

    Forgive me
    they were delicious
    so young
    and so very green

  6. Ha! I'm glad I wasn't the first to comment; I might have missed this reply to Murder? But-I do love Inplanticide-It will give my online dictionary a challenge!


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