
Friday, April 27, 2012


I have never said this to you, but you were one of my inspirations in my life. You invested in me so much in fourth and fifth grade. I used to never talk outside of my house, but today, I want to be a confident person, confident in what I am saying and teaching. So, thank you for your investment.

That’s what teaching is.
We invest in the future
and then lose the receipt
when we send students on
to the next grade
or the next level.

We rarely know what our shaping
of each of these lives
will result in.
But we are certain,
absolutely certain,
that each and every one of them
is worth the investment.

© Mary Lee Hahn, 2012

Poem #27, National Poetry Month, 2012

Cathy, at Merely Day By Day, is joining me in a poem a day this month. Other daily poem writers include Amy at The Poem Farm, Linda at TeacherDance, Donna at Mainely Write, Laura at Writing the World for Kids (daily haiku), Liz at Liz in Ink (daily haiku), Sara at Read Write Believe (daily haiku), Jone at Deo Writer (daily haiku)...and YOU?


  1. {new follower here}

    That is a really nice poem. Thank you for sharing.


  2. What a perfect metaphor, Mary Lee. I think often of the teachers who completely changed the course of my life without ever knowing it. I tip my hat to all teachers with receipts in their pockets and hearts. Thank you for this one! xo, a.

  3. This poem touched my heart thank you for including 5th grade. It is a perfect poem to read on Saturday morning and then take the time to reflect on the next five weeks.

  4. Love the lose the receipt... I always feel that a piece of my heart is going on with them... thanks for your touching words.

  5. Beautifully said Mary Lee. I agree wholeheartedly, like when people won't vote for bond issues, I always tell them you are investing in the future leaders, the ones who will take care of the world, our world. Thank you for this wonderful thought.

  6. Well said! Would be so nice to know what everyone becomes.


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