
Friday, August 31, 2012

Poetry Friday -- Crazy

i thank heaven somebody's crazy 
enough to send me a daisy
—E.E. Cummings

Here's a patch of daisies for you (Black-Eyed Susans [Rudbeckia hirta], actually) I guess that makes me the crazy one. Yup. Feels like that might be true at the end of the first week of school!

Sylvia has the Poetry Friday roundup this week at Poetry for Children.


  1. Sounds like you're the one who could use the bunch of daisies! Congrats on getting through your first week of school. Re: e.e. cummings, I love it when I find these little "poem-quotes," as you call them, from great poets. I find them comforting somehow, a reminder that a poem doesn't have to be epic to say a lot.

  2. Mary Lee, sending you virtual daisies! Happy LONG weekend.

  3. Nice to be a little crazy now that the kids are back! And now you have this welcoming 3 days to re-group. Our beginnings are always disjointed. We have a 3 day week, then a 5, then a 4. Seems as if it'll never get going. Happy weekend, Mary Lee.

  4. Crazy daisies! Throwing a bunch back at you, with wishes for a nice weekend and a good school year :).

  5. Such a fun little poem!

  6. Thanks for the black-eyed susans. The rudebecki and monarda are holding up the tail end of the flower season here in my yard.

  7. Ah that first week - it begins for me on Tuesday, perhaps I'll have to summon up those daisies on Friday to give my sagging energy a big, much needed boost!

  8. Thank heaven somebody was crazy enough to send ME a Daisy. After a summer of cranky adolescent laziness, Daisy returned to her far-flung friends at magnet school and turned overnight into a bright, gracious and shining person who forgave me for sending her substandard lunches and encouraged me to forgive myself for the mistakes and oversights of my first crazy week at school. And not only that--I will never forget, Mary Lee, how you sent me a perfect small gift two years ago when I needed a daisy of encouragement. Lots of love to you and your new (are they 4th-graders?) class!

  9. Thanks, everyone, for sending the daisies back to me! I checked email at lunch yesterday, and your happy thoughts helped me make it through the rest of the day in great good spirits!

    Heidi, sounds like you have the best Daisy of that she is back to her true self! I'm LOVING my 5th graders (many of whom were my 4th graders last year, either in home room or math class). And I think I'm really going to LOVELOVELOVE being a Language Arts specialist!!

    Tara, feel free to snag my daisy picture from this post to peek at next Friday (or any time you need a boost)! Happy first week to you next week!

  10. Crazy daisies, lovely gift from the heavens indeed, as only EE Cummings can eloquently phrase it. It's another school year, I could understand the insanity of the first few weeks deeply. Have fun with your 5th graders (my own daughter just started 5th grade two weeks back). :)


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