
Monday, September 03, 2012

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Thanks to Kellee and Jen at TEACH MENTOR TEXTS for hosting. 
Pop over there to see everyone's lists.

What have I been reading lately? GRAPHIC NOVELS! 

by Ashley Spires
Kids Can Press, 2012
review copy provided by the publisher

Binky the cat is in charge of training a new cadet. But the cadet turns out to possibly be a spy, and definitely to be a DOG. How will Binky keep the space station safe?

by Dav Pilkey
Scholastic, 2012

Really?? The whole series perhaps didn't happen because of a time travel (banana cream pie) paradox? In fact, the whole earth is destroyed, unless Tippy Tinkletrousers can save Captain Underpants? Stay tuned -- we'll all find out January 2013.

by Kazu Kibuishi
Scholastic, 2012

This series started out very kid-friendly (for 4-5th grade) and now is getting really dark and REALLY complicated. I probably should have re-read the entire series before reading this one. It might have made more sense. I am having a hard time keeping track of the characters. My students will clamor for it because, like me, they are invested in the series and can't wait for the next book, but I'll let them know that I'm going to read it again after I re-read the first four.

by Ben Hatke
First Second, 2012
review copy provided by the publisher

Zita's back! YAY! 

This time she has to deal with a robot that imprints on her...but who turns out to be as much of a hero as she is.

Her beloved Mouse is captured, and at the end of the book, Zita takes off to rescue him. But of course, that's not enough for author Ben Hatke. He has to throw in a SERIOUS cliffhanger.

by Claudia Davila
Kids Can Press, 2012
review copy provided by the publisher

Second book in The Future According to Luz series. Like the first, takes on a variety of environmental issues, this time focusing around water conservation.

by Madeline L'Engle
adapted and illustrated by Hope Larson
Farrar Straus Giroux, 2012
review copy provided by the publisher

When I opened the package that contained this book, I gasped, then clasped it to my chest. LOVELOVELOVE what Hope Larson did with this.

Now. That said, I will admit that I didn't actually read it cover to cover. It's too much like watching the movie of this landmark book that's been a part of my life since 6th grade. I like the visuals that are in my own mind. But I read enough to see that Larson stayed extremely true to the story. Practically word for word.

I'll take this copy to school, but I'll have to have another copy to keep with my original Scholastic paperback and the hardback and paperbacks of the 50th anniversary editions.


  1. So many books I need to purchase on this list! :) I think a trip to the bookstore is in order today.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hooray for graphic novels! I know a 8yo at our house who is very excited for the new Zita!


  3. Good to see all the graphic novels you like, Mary Lee. I don't know many, so happy to have the list, plus A Wrinkle In Time. Wow.

  4. A graphic novel of Wrinkle in Time? I want to shout, "Heresy!" maybe I should give the book a chance....

    1. Give it a chance, Deb. It's very well done. VERY.

  5. I love all your titles here Mary Lee, but I admit that I was taken by the graphic novel version of A Wrinkle in Time - I would have probably clasped it close to me too the minute I lay my eyes on it. Madeleine L'Engle is a favorite. I also have her Austin series which I haven't read yet.

  6. Great selection of graphic novels! My son is begging me to buy the fifth Amulet title to add to our collection. I'm trying to keep up and have read the first three. He loves them more than me I must admit. He reads and rereads them. Happy to see another Zita title!

  7. I love Zita and Binky. I think the idea of Wrinkle as a graphic novel is exciting. Kind of like a really good cover of a favorite song. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Ooh, very interesting about Wrinkle-will have to search that out.

    Have I asked before--are you going to NCTE?

    Aaanndd, thanks for mentioning the Pano app (I think it was you, but maybe it was Franki). I just got it and love it!

  9. Laura--
    Yes, check out Wrinkle in GN form. Very well done.

    Yes, I'll be at NCTE!

    And yes, it was me who mentioned the Pano app. Isn't it fun!


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