
Friday, October 12, 2012

Poetry Friday: "You are the same as ever, constant in your instability."


by Louis Jenkins

All those things that have gone from your life, moon boots, TV
trays, and the Soviet Union, that seem to have vanished, are
really only changed, dinosaurs did not disappear from the earth
but evolved into birds and crock pots became bread makers.
Everything around you changes.

(the whole poem can be read at The Writer's Almanac)

I love the last line of this poem. I used it for the title of this post. We are all so constant in our instability, aren't we?

And I hope you figured out that there is a change in the hosting blog for the roundup today. Amy and Betsy traded weeks, so we are at Betsy's today -- check out all of this week's Poetry Friday offerings at Teaching Young Writers.


  1. So, so true. This poem made me smile, especially brushing one's teeth with a flashlight. Been there . . . :)

  2. Have you brushed your teeth with a flashlight, Jama? Maybe I'm missing out.

    Being constantly unstable doesn't feel very relaxing, but I guess since it is constant, it's kind of like thinking about how many bacteria are in your mouth. It's a little freaky to think about, but they were there all along.

  3. Mary Lee,

    Great poem selection. The autumn season always reminds me of change(s). My life has certainly changed in the past year...for the better! Even though I'm busy being a nanny granny and I'm tired a lot of the time--it is a joy spending so much time with my little Julia and watching her grow and change.

  4. Hi, Mary Lee. This poem is so dense with detail. The bread-maker caught my eye (we never went with that fad, but have stuck with the crock pot). I love the way Jenkins uses pop culture objects to show the passing of time.

    1. The crock pot changing to bread maker cracked me up!

  5. You know, this is one poem I do not get. I haven't changed a bit! And look, I have both a crock pot and a bread maker, and no wife.

    Maybe I'm just grouchy, I dunno.

    1. Here's hoping your mood will CHANGE!! :-)

  6. This poem has also resonated with me today. :) So inconstant, people can be, indeed. :)

  7. Because I am in the midst of seemingly constant change, I seem to find more and more words/poems about change. This one is interesting because it looks at change over time. From that first breath, we change.

    1. Yup. The only constant is change.

  8. Here's a great short video that reminds us to focus on the moment, rather than worrying so much about the swirl of change around us:

  9. Moon boots made me chuckle a bit. I will go watch the video share. This is a nice reminder though that everything that is bugging us right now or exciting today will be different tomorrow.

  10. Ihadtoread this poem several times and mull over its meaning for me....I yearn for change, the mourn what is lost and then recognize that something essential is still there, still unchanged, still looking forward to perhaps be open to change. There is a certain circularity about our progress in life, I suppose....or perhaps I feel this way because I am in need of another cup of. Offbeat the moment:)

  11. This one made me smile. Thanks.


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