
Friday, February 15, 2013

Poetry Friday -- Take a Deep Breath and Count to Ten

Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Claudio Vaccaro


My teacher’s sitting in her chair,
her head between her hands.
She’s mumbling and muttering…
I think she just said SAND!

This really isn’t like her.
I know she lives to teach.
But that was unmistakable…
my teacher just said BEACH!

© Mary Lee Hahn, 2013

It's been a rough week. Sometimes the only thing that kept me sane was my poetry writing goal. 

Linda has the roundup today at TeacherDance.


  1. Love this one, Mary Lee. Had a similar week myself!

  2. Me too but ending the week together will be the best part - see you this afternoon.

  3. HIlarious. I hope you have a wonderful trip.

  4. Hope next week is better. Spring is on its way!

  5. Yes, poetry is a healer...and a laugher too. This poem reminds me of my first year teaching when the teacher next door came by and told me that when things got hard, when I couldn't take it anymore, I should just lean up against the blackboard, close my eyes, and think about Hawaii. Thank you for this one. You are the best. xo, a.

  6. That that pretty much summed up my week, too. But, we have today and Monday off...not enough time to find a suitable beach, but plenty of time to daydream about one.

  7. Awwww, we all have one of those days. My week has been crazy-hectic as well. But as Amy noted, poetry heals indeed like no other. :) Hope you have a better week ahead of you! :)

  8. Sometimes humor is the only way to cope when you're tested and over-extended and exhausted. Thanks for whipping this up for us. Made me smile. :)

  9. I hear that. Good job turning it into poetry!

  10. We've all had weeks like that...hang in there!

  11. Love it that you have a weekly poetry goal. Life is tough sometimes, that's for sure... and always ALWAYS better with poetry. Thanks for sharing, and may your weekend be oh so relaxing! xo

  12. I'm right there with you, Mary Lee! I'm sorry you had a tough week, but I'm glad it was the catalyst for this poem. Thanks for sharing today. =)

  13. Ah, beach...but not here. What a wonderful thought. Loved your poem!

  14. From my experience, I am thinking something wonderful will happen in your room soon that will inspire you. Someone will write or say or do something close to amazing and you will be able to track it back to something you taught them. I am hoping that possibly you are going to be on the Feb. break that my school has and that you are, hopefully, heading to that beach. We all need to be at the beach once in a is renewing. And poetry is a close second. Janet F. (I subbed today...they were all antsy and it was 5th gr,too, perhaps something with the moon?)

  15. Hope next week is better!

  16. Oh Mary Lee, I was with a few teachers this week that could have used this for a laugh. It was quite a stressful week at school with our big Expo event last night. Your poem expresses so much for all of us. :( for the week and (: for now!

  17. Next week will be better! :)

    I hope you have a long weekend like our district does.

  18. I love it, Mary Lee.

  19. Ha! This is great, Mary Lee. And I hope this week is better. Hooray for poetry as a sanity-saver.

  20. Yes, echoing that this week will be better! And that tropical breezes rather than blizzard winds are floating you along... (FUN poem!)


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