
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Common Inspiration--Uncommon Creations.14

Lunar libration with phase2

By Tomruen [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


The moon is indiscriminate.
She shines benevolently
even though yesterday
I called her

Perhaps I've got it all wrong.
Her magnanimity
might reveal more about me than her.
To wit:
my insignificance.

© Mary Lee Hahn, 2013

From Kevin (Kevin's Meandering Mind):

You cast your shadow
grandly, old lady,
so that all I can do is walk
amidst the darkness,
trying to find some light
to lead the way

©Kevin Hodgson, 2013

From Linda (TeacherDance):

moon dreams
from moon beams
my heart’s light
from this monthly flight

©Linda Baie, 2013

From Carol (Carol's Corner):

"Full Moon Days"

I love
those full moon days when
earth, moon, and sun
are perfectly aligned
and I can see only light
the shadows
are entirely hidden.

I hate
those full moon days
because I know
the full moon days
are always followed by
the waning
the light
and darkness
becomes greater

until I find myself
in the time
of new moon
where I wait
in darkness
for the waxing

I love
those full moon days.

(c) Carol Wilcox, 2013

The theme of my 2013 National Poetry Month Project is 

"Common Inspiration--Uncommon Creations." 

Each day in April, I will feature media from the Wikimedia Commons ("a database of 16,565,065 freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute") along with bits and pieces of my brainstorming and both unfinished and finished poems.

I will be using the media to inspire my poetry, but I am going to invite my students to use my daily media picks to inspire any original creation: poems, stories, comics, music, videos, sculptures, drawings...anything!

You are invited to join the fun, too! Leave a link to your creation in the comments and I'll add it to that day's post. I'll add pictures of my students' work throughout the month as well.


  1. You cast your shadow
    grandly, old lady,
    so that all I can do is walk
    amidst the darkness,
    trying to find some light
    to lead the way

    1. She's a mighty metaphor, isn't she?

    2. I agree with Mary Lee- quite a metaphor…

  2. I love poems about the moon, and Mary Lee you've added a new voice in talking "to" it. You too, Kevin. I like both of them. In the past I often did 'moon journaling' with students, including science, writing, music and art. It was most satisfying for all of us.

    moon dreams
    from moon beams
    my heart’s light
    from this monthly flight

    1. I do so love this, Linda. So much said and felt with just these few words. Nice.

    2. Thanks Mary Lee. This time I posted it on my blog, attributed to your inspiration!

    3. I love "moon dreams from moon beams."

  3. LOVE the moving graphic and congratulations on your new learning! Always pushing us to the next level I love that about your blog. Happy Sunday!

  4. I always swoon for poetry about the moon! Love the surprise and clipped language of your last phrase in "Moonlight" - so effective after those lyrical words just before.

    Thanks for sharing all of these lunar wonders here today. I'll think of you as the moon continues to wax this month... :0)

  5. "Full Moon Days"

    I love
    those full moon days when
    earth, moon, and sun
    are perfectly aligned
    and I can see only light
    the shadows
    are entirely hidden.

    I hate
    those full moon days
    because I know
    the full moon days
    are always followed by
    the waning
    the light
    and darkness
    becomes greater

    until I find myself
    in the time
    of new moon
    where I wait
    in darkness
    for the waxing

    I love
    those full moon days.

    (c) Carol Wilcox, 2013

    1. Love the back and forth of the moon itself!


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