
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Slice of Life: A Visit to the Pet Store

We are now a family with 2 dogs.  Deciding to get a puppy for our 14 year old was a big decision but the timing seemed right.  We have not had a puppy for a VERY long time and we are EXHAUSTED! Arnie (the puppy) is adorable and we are having fun but he is a handful for sure!

I decided that Arnie needed some new chew toys as he has been chewing on the carpet, the windowsill, the woodwork and the kitchen chairs.  I thought maybe finding toys that had more interesting textures would keep the puppy off the other chewables in the house.  So, we made a trip to the Pet Store. We came home with a few toys that seem to be helping. But I must say, I have not been to a pet store to shop in years. Our older dog doesn't really play and hasn't played much in years. So the trip to the pet store was quite an experience.

Who knew that you could dress your dog as Big Bird for Halloween?

Who knew that they had Ugly Christmas Sweaters for dogs?

AND....Who knew they had Halloween Socks for dogs?

We restrained from the Halloween costume and the Christmas sweater but I could not resist the socks (that come in packs of 4, of course!). I was sure Arnie would be adorable in these socks. My husband, however, adamantly disagreed as he has said from the start that Arnie is a "cool dog" and he did not think these socks were cool enough for Arnie.

Well, we got home and Ana tried to put the socks on Arnie. He doesn't growl often but he did growl and snarl once the first sock was placed on his foot.  I figured he would get used to it and tried again the next morning. The minute I tried to put on the sock, he grabbed it from my hand and ran away with it. Within seconds, nearly the entire sock was in his mouth and he ran far away.  We are pretty sure he would have swallowed it whole but we caught him and had a 2 minute battle to pull the sock out of his mouth.  He clearly hates the socks.  (My husband reiterated that the socks are totally uncool...)

How a sweet little baby puppy can hate these adorable Halloween socks is beyond me. Hoping he is not opposed to the ugly Christmas Sweater in a few months....


  1. Franki-
    Your slice made me laugh! My principal has two little white poodle-ish mutts. She dresses them for every season! They have their own closet! My lab would sooo, not go for this!

  2. Ha! Puppies are SO cute and SO exhausting! Good luck in your endeavors with Arnie! (I wish there was a picture of him and the sock!)

  3. How adorable!

    What I'm taking away from this slice is that I need a puppy to go with my wonderful older dog who is in her last years/months/days. I'll tell Chris. :)

  4. Too funny--I guess you can make chew toys out of those socks.

  5. This is hilarious! My daughter loves to dress up our pets for Halloween and they hate it. My dog, Charlie, will not move when he is clothed. It is so funny. He becomes paralyzed.

  6. I had to laugh as I pictured Arnie running off with the sock. Sounds like they will be a tug of war toys.

  7. Love it! All of our dogs are older now, but I know how exhausting puppies can be! I'm not sure I could bring myself to ever put a dog into that sweater, but lord knows, some people do. Thanks for the laugh and good luck with the chewing. Hope you're sleeping through the night.

  8. What fun! As a child, I used to dress my cats in my dolls clothes. I bet the designers of these dog clothes did as well! Ugly Christmas sweaters might be considered animal cruelty. :)

  9. I've never owned a dog, but your comments about the chewing brought the book, Marley and Me to mind. I'm glad your dog was assertive about the socks. I hope he outgrows the chewing stage soon!

  10. Franki,
    That is hysterical. Lots of chew toys are in order. Have you tried the bully sticks? The trick is to find out what his favorite toy is. And I always thought that doogie daycare was over the top until I took my almost three year old to my friends. You arrive home with an exhausted pooch. My friends daycare is specifically for small dogs. With a 17 yo doxie as well she appreciates when the 3yo comes home and just sleeps. Enjoy.


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