
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Celebrate This Week!

Discover. Play. Build.

Thanks to Ruth Ayres for this wonderful Saturday tradition!   Visit her blog for this week's link up!

Lots to celebrate this week!

#1  Christmas! It was a relaxing day with family. The girls are both older but it was a different kind of fun working together in the kitchen to get things ready, to clean up, etc.

#2 I made a few cookie boxes. I didn't bake as much as I usually do at Christmastime but I did make a few boxes of cookies. I discovered this box-decorating craft during my concussion-craft months and it is the only one I've continued to enjoy.  Little boxes of cookies = happy!

#3  I seem to have my reading life back. Thanks to Donalyn for her #bookaday challenge. I didn't really think I could do it but I have read 7 pretty amazing (and not so short) books.  I won't meet my Goodreads Challenge this year, but have LOVED catching up on my reading.  And I have loved the books I've read so far.  I'm so far behind in 2013 reading but it is nice to read books I've had on my TBR list.  Life is never as good when I'm not in the middle of a book.  So glad to be back to reading after a long rut.

#4  Having two dogs in quite a challenge.  Especially two dogs that don't like each other at all. But, our puppy does look cute in dorky outfits. Arnie has such a different personality than our older dog, Chloe.  It seems fitting to dress him up, take him to see Santa and buy him new toys.  My daughter thinks he will need his own closet soon.

#5  I love being home. I love days to just hang out at home. That is pretty much what we are doing for most of this winter break.

#6  I did not meet any of my 2013 goals, but I am okay with that.  I took a #nerdlution vacation and  needed it. I have tried for my whole life to not live my life in cycles but I love cycles.  I love working hard and resting hard. I need winters where I sit on the couch and read and winters where I get myself in shape.  I've learned that not meeting a goal or changing a goal doesn't mean I've failed and I've learned that taking a break doesn't mean I've quit.  Realizing this is a big celebration for me:-)

Enjoy your Saturday!!


  1. Loved #6! I think sometimes we are too hard on ourselves. Thanks for the reminder! Enjoy the rest of your break and happy reading to you!

  2. I like your cookie box idea, Franki-lots of pleasure to give there! And thanks for the end part about goals. It's so good to give ourselves permission to do what we can, and let the rest go. So glad you are well and back to doing the things you love, too. Happy New Year!

  3. I love your cookie boxes and your #6. I have that cycle thing in my life too. And I wonder, are we programmed to seek cycles like we seek patterns-- Just wondering or maybe rationalizing. Your posts have given me wonderful ideas to play around with. Enjoy the rest of the break.

  4. Cute cookie boxes! I completely understand your thoughts on goal making/breaking/compromising. Enjoy your resting and reading. I'm doing the same thing!!

  5. I connected with your thoughts on goals and understanding it doesn't mean failure. Like you, I am enjoying the break resting but having fun too...I baked some cookies! (Love the cookie boxes too!).

  6. Your equation of cookies and happy makes me smile. I am glad you got your reading life back. I like your attitude in the last celebration. I hope that you have more days to just hang out at home.

  7. I need to read number 6 over and over again. I feel defeated if I can't meet a goal; therefore, I shy away from making too many. Knowing it's okay not to meet your goal is a philosophy I need to take on.

  8. Oh my gosh! #6 makes me feel so better because I fell off the #nerdlution wagon and was feeling kind of bad about it. You're right, though. There is always something to learn in these journeys and it seems like I keep on learning. :) Our breaks seem to be on a parallel...I'm doing a lot of just being quiet, enjoying my kids, and reading too. I love your cookie boxes. Very cute! Happy New Year Franki!

  9. I am glad that you had a shift in perspective about breaks and shifting goals - a good reminder for us all! It sounds like you are having a great break with your family. Happy reading!

  10. Enjoyed reading your reasons to celebrate!

  11. We love this line - "I've learned that not meeting a goal or changing a goal doesn't mean I've failed and I've learned that taking a break doesn't mean I've quit." This is so important for all of us to remember. Now we feel a lot less guilty about taking a few days off from #nerdlution. Thanks Franki

  12. I need to reread this post when I need a reminder to not be so hard on myself. Thank you for that, Franki. Those Christmas cookie boxes look fun.


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