
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Midweek Meandering

by Hugh MacLeod,

Do you agree or disagree?

Can you think of a time when you were invited onto the yacht? 
Did it make a difference in your life?

How about a time when you confidently paddled your own canoe? 
How did that experience change you?


  1. Love this--the yacht is when I get an email about a lovely review or honor for one of my books. It makes a difference mostly in my confidence as a writer, as well as in my happiness in knowing it means my books will reach more readers because of that review/honor. But if you're not canoeing daily, as a writer or a teacher, and loving it--those yachts never come along:>)

    1. I so agree! It's not an either-or. We need both the yachts AND the canoes!

      Thanks for playing along!

  2. I definitely agree, Mary Lee. I have learned the most during the times I've had to work the hardest! I have been "canoeing" very hard to get a much-revised book to the publishing stage. I am hoping to be invited onto the "published author" yacht soon! = )

    1. Keep paddling! Good luck getting to the yacht!

  3. Since we have state testing starting next week, my mind went immediately to test results. It is not the passing scores - the yacht, but the hard work and learning we went through all year - the paddling!


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