
Monday, May 26, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Jen at Teach Mentor Texts has the link-up. Go check out what everybody's reading!

I'm getting ready for the summer edition of #bookaday and Mother Reader's 48 Hour Reading Challenge. Here are my three stacks:

General TBR

Fish Finelli (Book 2): Operation Fireball (you know me...I'll have to find
the first book in the series before I can read this one...)

Professional Reads/Annual Re-Reads

I'm sure I'll add more to this stack as the summer goes by. I can't wait to dig into

For the NCTE Excellence in Poetry Committee

I've already read a couple of these. I'm most looking forward to


  1. Ooh! Dangerous and Revolution are great. It's a good thing you have a paper copy of Revolution-- the pictures slowed down the e copy tremendously. I'm getting ready for 48HBC and Bookaday, too-- it's making it hard to know what to read right now, since everything is in my "stockpile". You look like you are in good shape.

  2. That's my goal today - I am going to make a summer #bookaday pile! Can't wait to start! Many of your books will be in my pile too. Have a great start to your week!

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    You've got lots of great books here, Mary Lee! I'm looking forward to Miss Emily and Revolution, too.

  4. WOW! This is an incredible list. I will definitely check out some of these suggestions, Mary Lee!

  5. I just finished Nightingale's Nest last beautifully written. I really loved What Readers Really much to think about in that book. Love seeing your NCTE poetry pile too...Hope is a Ferris Wheel was already on my radar. I'll be adding Caminar and Silver People to my TBR list.

    Happy Reading!

  6. So many to choose from, Mary Lee. I'm going to add from your piles, but want to say I loved Silver People and Miss Emily-will look for the others, too!

  7. Love the piles and am excited to see the poetry selections. I had not been looking at those. Add them to the list. :)

  8. Gorgeous book stack. I loved Nightingale's Nest. Can't wait to read Revolution Just read Countdown recently.

  9. You have quite the stacks. I have many similar titles but you have some I want to add. Just received What Readers Really Do so that will probably be my fair t PD book. Let the reading begin!

  10. My main summer reading goal is to read all the Iowa Children's Choice Award nominees. For PD I am rereading Daily 5, reading Wondrous Words and A Writer's Notebook Unlock the Writer in You. I will be checking our your poetry reads!

  11. Oh wow, Mary Lee. I am positively drooling here. That's quite THE book stack. Such great titles - I can't wait to get my hands on Margarita Engle's Silver People. :)


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