
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Padlet with Resources for NCTE's Charlotte Huck Award Winning Books

I attended OCTELA on Saturday and presented with Barbara Kiefer and Fran Wilson on NCTE's Charlotte Huck award winning books from this year.  It is an honor to serve on this committee and I soooo love the premise of the award -- this award recognizes fiction that has the potential to transform children’s lives by inviting compassion, imagination, and wonder. I love the list of award books.  It was great fun to share them at OCTELA.

This week, in preparation for OCTELA, I started pulling together resources that connected to most of the award winning books. I thought it would be helpful for teachers who wanted to know more about the books and many of the links would be great to share with students.  I collected them on a Padlet and am happy to share that Padlet here. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. What a great resource Franki. Thank you! I want to be on this committee. :) It sounds like great fun and so much learning. Barb Keifer is such a wealth of knowledge. The padlet gives me an idea of way to share resources with teachers in my building. I'm always learning from you.


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