
Monday, August 03, 2015

Books I Am Adding to My Classroom Library: Part 1 New (to me) Series Books

Last year was my second year in 3rd grade. It took me a while to figure out the kinds of books that would best support 3rd grade readers. It took me a while to learn what kinds of books hooked 3rd graders. It took me a while to catch up on series books that were a good match for third graders. By the end of last year, I felt that my classroom library was solid.  I had lots of great picture books, some lots of great nonfiction, good graphic novels and many series that could hook readers.  But I am always looking for new books.  Books for 3rd graders are not so long so kids tend to read through a book or two a week. And I believe in choice so I need to give kids a menu of options every day as reader.  So keeping the library updates is always important.

Here are some of the new series that I'll add to the classroom library this year. I'll get a few in the series to see how kids like them and then add to the basket if they are a hit.


  1. Loved Race the Wild and the Phoebe Green. Have you seen the Ruth Chew reissues? Potter's Piper Green? Third grade was the year that I read a lot of books that I adored... Of course they were more along the lines of Thimble Summer and Carolyn Heywood's books. Encyclopedia Brown, too. Third graders are nice because they don't leak like kindergarteners but are smarmy and sulky like 7th graders!

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I read the Space Taxi series by Wendy Mass and her husband Michael Brawer to my 2nd class this year. I had won the first two books and my class begged me to get the next in the series when it came out (which of course I did :)). I think your second grade students would love them!


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