
Friday, December 18, 2015

Poetry Friday: Haiku Tag

Flickr Creative Commons photo by Flood G.

thick slice of dark bread
minutes like sugar in tea
pencil scratching page

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015


pencil scratching page
fish tank burbling endlessly
clock strikes seven

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015


Flickr Creative Commons Photo by Jo Christian Oterhals

clock strikes seven
sleeper doesn't stir
earth keeps rotating

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015


earth rotates daily
as it floats around the sun
my head is spinning

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015

On Tuesday, I was running a little behind, but I managed to write a haiku about writing a haiku while eating a quick breakfast.  I decided to use the last line of this haiku as the first line on Wednesday.

On Wednesday morning, I was running a lot behind. It was 7:00am and I hadn't started writing yet, hadn't showered, hadn't packed my lunch. I need to be out the door by 7:45 to be on time for work, so it's a good thing I had the first line of my haiku ready to go.

Thursday morning I was exhausted. I had rolled-cut-baked cookies the night before for hours and hours after an already long day at work. All I could think of was the first morning of break when I wouldn't have to set my alarm. Even though I was tired, I was pretty thrilled to find an image of a clock that really goes with my haiku!

Today, I was able to weave our current studies in science into a haiku that describes both what it's like to be a fifth grader learning about the movements of the earth around the sun (rotation/revolution; day, night, seasons) AND what this week's been like for me. Our heads are all spinning for some reason or another!

Diane has the Poetry Friday roundup at Random Noodling this week.


  1. I like the way you moved on with writing your haiku. Looks great. My co-worker at said that you can do such an every week haiku collection. That would be really great!

  2. I like how the haikus connect! Happy Friday and happy holidays!

  3. Haiku tag--it works! I will have to "borrow" your idea. Many thanks. Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and sleep-filled break!

  4. Nice job for a few rushed mornings! I like that tag idea.

  5. Great job -- love hearing about the behind-the-scenes inspiring these poems.

  6. What fun! Nice job, Mary Lee, and oh my gosh about hours and hours of cookies! I'm impressed.

  7. Wonderful--loved hearing how you made time for haiku, and that you tagged yourself all week! And what a great idea for a writing exercise (especially since you only have to face a blank page once.)

  8. I just love this. I feel like my head is spinning from the everything-to-do-on-my-list syndrome. I had a student who once wrote a series of haiku like this, using the last word as the first word. I like this idea. It not only hastens the work. It's a good craft move.

  9. Great way to get the brain in gear for writing - and as others have said, a good exercise for students!

  10. You sure illustrate the old saw: "When there's a will, there's a way." And these are very fun, as is your description of how they came about. You're inspiring me to plan something like this for the new year.

  11. Anonymous1:14 AM

    These are great, Mary Lee. So much to love about haiku moments snatched in a busy week. (I hope I have a LOT more minutes in my day, than sugar (none) in my tea! :) )

  12. I love this poetry game! And my head's spinning, too...At least yours is writing poems as it does so:>)

  13. Ding Ding Ding! Winners every one, and you too, for keeping on keeping on! I hope you luxuriated in two alarmless mornings now and are enjoying the fruits of your roll-cut-bake labors.

    My favorite is the dark bread one...something lovely about the contrast of the dark bread and the imagination of crystal white sugar melting. Very seasonal somehow!

  14. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Well done, Mary Lee! I admire your ability to write haiku while teaching, baking...Now my head is spinning!

  15. I love the connections of these. Great fun to try. I wonder how long this could be sustained.
    Have a great break! Sleeping in...maybe a coffee and cookies breakfast?


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