
Friday, December 11, 2015

Poetry Friday -- Rare

RARE from Joel Sartore on Vimeo.

I ran across this video on The Kid Should See This. It filled my heart with love (and concern) for this ball of rock and water upon which we float through space.

beautiful world 
everything we do matters
every single thing

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2015

And this behind the scenes bit made me laugh out loud:

RARE: Behind the Scenes from Joel Sartore on Vimeo.

Tara has the Poetry Friday roundup this week at A Teaching Life.


  1. Mary Lee, the out takes were indeed funny but the poem made me ponder life this morning.

  2. Another one on Twitter ... inspired by the contrast of the whitescreen backdrop ... thanks for the vids!

  3. My offering today is at

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Wow. The exquisite beauty of these animals is breathtaking. Thank you for sharing these videos and your thought-provoking poem today, Mary Lee.

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing. Happy Friday!

  6. Every single thing! Thanks, Mary Lee. One year, my students and I saw the last dodo on exhibit at the Harvard Museum of Natural History. We cried at the loss of it and others that we would never see.

  7. Thanks for the rare species wildlife fix today, Mary Lee. Amazing creatures! Those photographers are pretty amazing too. :)

  8. This was spectacular and the music beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes and I can't wait to show it to my students and my own children. Thank for being you. I appreciate you so much.

  9. Wonderful! And your poem is perfect.

  10. Such an important reminder - what we do matters...every single thing. =)

  11. Those outtakes are hilarious. Your poem is perfect.

  12. There's something about the monkey grabbing the white sheet right through the doorway that echoes with both the initial message and your haiku. Love it all. ALL. (even the snakes)

  13. Anonymous4:00 PM

    For me, the message began in the link-up: Mary Lee (Rare). Yes! Individuals of sensitive grace like you are rare. And at the same time, the video reminds me that even creatures I personally wouldn't miss (e.g. snakes:) need to be reverenced and protected because they have been given life, and their lives--as simultaneously mysterious and superfluous as they might seem--are not ours to take. The outtakes reminded me that behind the public view of each one of us, presented so cleanly, edited so perfectly, there's messiness, mayhem, and the efforts of many people who get crapped on (just quoting from the outtakes:) so that we get our spot under and in the lights--our moment to shine! ...Rare is the adequate celebration of all life as it fully deserves to be celebrated, starting with our own. Thank you for your beautiful poem response. I love the notion of every little thing we do (which includes what we neglect to do) mattering. Your poem matters a lot! So do you! In words so simple, so powerful, you've sounded the clarion call.Rare you are! Thank you!

  14. Your haiku says it all, Mary Lee. It brings to mind the Butterfly Effect, too. Thanks for the powerful video (I did not close my eyes when the snake appeared!)and the hilarious video of the filming!

  15. Thanks for this. Can't wait to show my students.


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