
Monday, January 04, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Visit Teach Mentor Texts or Unleashing Readers for the round up!

I always love winter break reading. I either catch up on the last of the year's books or I read ahead to the upcoming books of the next year. Some years I do a combination of both but it is always one of my favorite reading times of the year.

This year I read some amazing books that are due out in 2016.  All are MUST READS for sure! I feel lucky to have started my 2016 with these books. They all tugged at my heart in very different ways and all are perfect for middle grade readers.

Pax by Sara Pennypacker
Due to be released February 2, 2016
This book, illustrated by Jon Klassen is one that I could not put down.  It is the story of a boy and his pet fox. It is a dog story and the story of a boy's journey and a story of loss and friendship.  It is the best of all of these things.

Due to be released February 23,  2016
This book was sent to me by the author (who lives in Ohio--lucky us!). What an amazing story of grief and healing.  Told in a story that reminded me a bit of Coraline, meeting Charlie and his sister Imogen as they work through their grief is an incredible read. The way the author puts the issues into a fantasy world is incredible and is perfect for middle grade readers.

When Mischief Came to Town by Katrina Nannestad
Due to be released January 5, 2016
Inge Maria is a character who will stay with me for a very long time.  She has recently lost her mother and moves in with her grandmother who she does not know well. She moves into a rather dull town but brings life to the town and brightens the lives of so many.  A great story with a great feisty character.

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely

I also read a 2015 book that I have been hearing a lot about. I am so glad that this was my first read of 2016. I am sorry I waited so long to read it.  I have already told so many people about it as I think it is a must-read.   This book is about two teenage boys dealing with issues of police brutality, racism, family and what it worth standing up for. The book is written by two authors and is brilliant. I would put this one next on your list of must reads and I plan to read more by these authors for sure.


  1. I've heard about Pax - one I will read for sure.

    I'm currently reading a book for adults: The Pulitzer Prize winning Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.

  2. I just found your site and interested in exploring new children's books. I am sort of addicted to them! I had never heard of Pax before and going to read it as soon as is available in our library. It is on order now.

  3. I've been reading 2016 releases too but haven't seen any of the ones you had. I have see All American Boys around on the blogs and will be adding it to my wishlist. Here is what I read last week. Happy reading!

  4. I haven't read any of these titles yet, but I've heard a lot of good buzz about Pax and All American Boys, I will have to try and get my hands on them. Have a great week!

  5. All American Boys is definitely on my TBR list. Especially now that I've read Between the World and Me.

  6. Glad Charlie Price is fantasy so I don't have to read another book about grief stricken parents who can't function. Not an option. Glad you're off to a good start with your reading!

  7. I've got Pax and All American Boys on my must read in 2016 list! I'm with Ms Yingling in that I read enough books where someone dies to last me a number of years.

  8. Of these, I've only read All American Boys, but really enjoyed it. Pax is on my list to read, but I'll look for the others too. Thanks!

  9. Thanks Franki! All of these books are new to us - All American Boys is definitely going to be the next audio book for a family trip.

  10. Pax sounds great -- I love Pennypacker's Clementine books. I've read other stuff by Jason Reynolds so I'm betting All American Boys is also very powerful.

  11. I have a very strong suspicion that I would fall in love with Pax. What a gift, indeed, to be able to read books that are yet to be published. :)


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