
Monday, May 01, 2017

Professional Books on My Stack

As I get ready for summer reading, my stack of professional books is growing. Right now, these are the 4 I am looking most forward to reading.

I read Ralph Fletcher's Joy Write last weekend and loved it. It reground me-brought me back to the roots of writing workshop and helped me realize what we've lost with the additions of mandates and testing and units of study.  It helped me remember what it is that is important. I read it quickly and want to reread it this summer to really think about the year in writing workshop and to think about joy in the writing workshop.

The others are on my stack but I haven't had much time to dit in yet.

Another writing book that I am anxious to read is Feedback That Moves
Writers Forward by Patty McGee. I have been doing more with feedback and love the way it looks like Patty approaches it in this book.  The chapters I am most excited to read are "Integrading": How to Live in a Grading World and Still Gibe Feedback and When It Is Time to Stretch and Grow: Feedback for Goal Setting.  Really, when I look through the Table of Contents, they all look like fresh new thinking that will help me be a better teacher of writing.

And I love everything written by Vicki Vinton and am very excited to read her newest book, Dynamic Teaching for Deeper Reading.  Vicki always reminds me how to let go and let the kids do the thinking and she helps me to find ways to help them read with deeper understanding. I am so excited to read her newest thinking!

And I purchased Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had by Tracy Zager in February but knew I needed to wait until summer to really dig in and start to think about next year. This book is packed with so
much that I want to give it the time and energy it deserves. I think it will be a critical book for me.

Which professional books are on your summer reading list?


  1. Great post! There's nothing like summer time for digging in to professional books and thinking about the upcoming year. I read Joy Write last week too, but so quickly that I know it warrants a summer reread. It was such a powerful text that it zipped right by. I'm hoping to read The Curious Classroom by Harvey Daniels this summer too.

  2. These books just showed up at my door today, The Practice of Poetry, Disrupting Thinking, and Out of Wonder. I've read Joy Write and I've ordered Dynamic Teaching. Why is there always so much good stuff to read!?

  3. I am very curious about Joy Write. Can someone tell me more... Is it more writing philosophy of does he provide real world strategies that I can apply right away? I am looking for the next book study for my middle school and this had peaked my interest.

    1. It is more about regrounding to the core of what makes writing workshop work. And really thinking about all the things we've given up by adding on more unit or one more testing thing to the workshop. It would give everyone lots to talk about.

    2. Thank you for responding. I am adding it to my summer reading list.


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