
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

The Luxury of Inefficiency

Yes, I'm enjoying my summer break. Thank you for asking.

I realized this morning that the biggest gift of these few weeks off is the luxury of inefficiency.

I have been busy the last two weeks:
  • all day math summit
  • all day Casting for Recovery planning team meeting
  • Children's Literature Assembly virtual board meeting
  • July-Dec Poetry Friday roundup schedule completed in one week
  • read nine chapter books and stacks of picture books 
  • first bike ride of the summer
  • reacquainted with bi-weekly swimming schedule
  • doctors' appointments that don't require sub plans
  • a wedding
  • plans for our trip to Germany and Amsterdam
  • weeding and edging the back garden beds
  • one swallowtail caterpillar raised to chrysalis indoors and two more on watch in the garden
  • playing with new macro lens for my iPhone camera (see above)
  • tea at Asterisk
  • stay up late
  • sleep in
I have been busy, but I haven't felt particularly scheduled. That is the luxury I'm savoring for the next few weeks.


  1. Every teacher deserves such luxury in the summer. Something tells me a few of those meetings were scheduled, but hopefully spread out with other fun in between. Keep savoring and relaxing!

  2. Busy but not scheduled--that's a critical difference! I'm so glad you're enjoying your summer and it sounds like you have some fantastic plans. Can't wait to hear about your travels!

  3. You have defined my summer so far, the luxury of inefficiency. Love the picture and hope you have an amazing trip.

  4. I love the photo, can you tell me about the lens? Where did you get it?

  5. Amsterdam & Germany!
    I can only imagine the history, the views, you will
    appreciate & reflect upon Mary. Happy trails to you.

    And great joy for the invigoration that your summer times will gift to you. I am so glad you are not a year-round classroom teacher.

    Here's to grownup late nites
    luxurious mornings without an AlarM!


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