
Saturday, April 06, 2019

Memory Throws a Last-Minute Curveball

Memory Throws a Last-Minute Curveball

your name, the punchline,
why I'm standing in this room --
all veer out of reach

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2019


  1. Good lord. I ended up standing in the main office last week looking sheepishly at the administrative assistant, not knowing AT ALL the reason I had arrived in that place at that time until I climbed all the way back to my room, and then it was all clear to me, so I wrote my reason on a slip of paper and trundled back down to the office again. Your haiku seems almost like it came from a fortune cookie.

  2. Been here done this many times!

  3. Right there with you, my friend!

    I hope you like my line in the Progressive Poem! Can't wait to read yours!

  4. I love this - it's COMPLETELY right for today.


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