
Monday, April 22, 2019

Not Giant...Yet

I count baby oak leaves among the cutest of spring's babies. It's hard to imagine that these fragile fingertip-length leaves will be bigger than my whole hand by the middle of June. And the photosynthetic glucose factory inside each one of them...don't even get me started on that miracle.

There's a new Rhino in town, a watering can rhino, and she helped me write a haiku for the baby oak leaves.

your glorious life
grand, gorgeous -- so not giant
sweet home for my heart

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2019


  1. Nice to see that watering can can appreciate things 'not giant', Mary Lee. I've been watching, but no baby oak leaves here yet, but the tips are there! We are so late this year!

  2. I really needed your assistance when I was taking botany. Oy vey. Glad to learn from all you notice and share now. I hadn't really thought of the oak leaf like that before.

  3. Hard to believe these delicate little babies will soon be huge. Photosynthetic glucose factory. I'm waiting for a poem about that. I love that rhino watering can!

  4. (That is an ADORABLE watering can!!!)
    Since this morning I discovered open leaves on the avocado "tree" - which is a two inch stick just now - I'm all about that photosynthetic glucose factory life. Go, trees!


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