
Friday, May 24, 2019

Poetry Friday -- Endings and Beginnings

photo via Unsplash

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.
~Kevin Durant

High Flight

The last day of school is in sight. You can’t imagine how hard
it is to release my masterpieces, say goodbye to my best work.
Launching you, I imagine the sigh of wing-beats
as you fly away, soaring with your talent,
your sense of humor, your desire to set the world right. When
you alight again next fall, don’t you dare hide your talent,
head under wing, letting others lead. Genius doesn’t
need adult plumage to rise and spiral. All genius needs is work.
And remember, the work of flight is joyful, not hard.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2018

This is a re-post from my 2018 Poetry Month project. Today is the last (half) day of school. I will fledge another group of youngsters and hope against hope that I am sending them into the world equipped with the skills and mindsets they will need for their (our) future.

Dani has her very first Poetry Friday Roundup (welcome, Dani!!) at Doing the Work That Matters.


  1. Many congratulations...and, well done. You are a master of sharing what teaching feels like. I think your students are MOST fortunate. All genius needs is truer words ever spoken, my friend. Raising my coffee cup to you this morning. Enjoy the summer.

  2. This poem gives me goose bumps. So beautiful. What an amazing mantra to send kids out into the world.

  3. Both that quote and your poem give me shivers. I appreciate that you have encapsulated the reality of what it feels like to end a year with students.

  4. Love your poem, and congrats on another successful year. A bittersweet time saying goodbye . . .

  5. Mary Lee,
    I have no doubt that you are sending your students into the world equipped with the skills and mindsets they will need for their future

  6. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication! :)

  7. Aw, so good! Congratulations on finishing another year!

  8. "Genius doesn't need adult plumage to rise and spiral." What perfect words and encouragement for sending off your flock. Happy summer!

  9. Sigh... now you've got me all verklempt, Mary Lee. Today was the last day for seniors at Miranda's school. She told me how one boy was all out sobbing as he said goodbye to their art teacher. The teacher held it together until the student left. Then it was his turn to shed a tear.

  10. Beautiful, Mary Lee! I'm saving this.

  11. What a beautiful golden shovel, Mary Lee. I am sure that you prepared your little fledgelings to soar into their summer days. I plan on retweeting your poem for teacher groups to see.

  12. What a great end-of-the-year poem, Mary Lee. My favorite lines are: Genius doesn’t
    need adult plumage to rise and spiral. All genius needs is work. Our kids need to know this!

  13. What a great send-off golden shovel Mary Lee. Here's to their soaring with creativity as they alight…

  14. I love this image of students soaring to new heights! Thank you for sharing this uplifting poem.

  15. Happy (and sad) end of year, Mary Lee. You should write a commencement speech! I love the final lines: Genius doesn’t need adult plumage to rise and spiral. All genius needs is work.
    And remember, the work of flight is joyful, not hard.


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