
Friday, September 04, 2020

Poetry Friday: Dear Candy Corn


image via Unsplash

Dear Candy Corn,


Thank you for your jolt of too-much sweetness

at the end of a too-long day

that was packed with too-much

of just about everything.


I have had enough.


One small handful of you,

one day like today.


I have had enough.



©Mary Lee Hahn, 2020

Carol has the Poetry Friday roundup this week at Beyond Literacy Link.


  1. True! I used to love the stuff...and now that too much sweetness is something I can't take. There's been many days of too intense! I'm ready for some nice bland oatmeal days.

  2. Candy corn is the perfect vehicle for this sentiment! Thank you, Mary Lee. xo

  3. Layers and layers of artificially-colored waxy sugar paste squeezed out of a tiny conical mold--reminds me of Hot Beef Sundae and is definitely too much. Slice of chilled watermelon, please.

    Thinking of you every day, literally.

  4. Happy Friday! No candy corn for me, thanks. :)

  5. You're making me think of Halloween -- no trick or treating this year? I'm with you on the candy corn. A few bites will do . . .

  6. It bring so many memories when I have a handful. Thinking of you, Mary Lee, & hoping candy corn and other sweetness carries you along.

  7. It's important to have those things that provide comfort close by. Candy corn! And it isn't even October yet. I appreciated the double meaning to your 5th and last lines.

  8. Mary Lee, candy corn is a go-to-fall treat for me and I eagerly awake their sweetness in my mouth. Love the way you spoke of the candy corn amidst the to muchness of your day. You are not the only teacher feeling this way. I heard from a friend in New Jersey who has too much of too much in her life.

  9. Your poem sums up a long day very well Mary Lee–big sigh… Enjoy the long weekend–hope you can squeeze in some moments for yourself…

  10. Take care of yourself, Mary Lee. Your poem encapsulates so much within its small package. I can feel the weight of "too-long", "too-much" and "I have had enough." Thinking of you!!!

  11. We just finished our first full week. Most kids are in the building, with a handful joining remotely. The list of challenges is endless and exhausting. Peanut M&Ms give me the jolt I need at the end of the day! Hang in there, Mary Lee! Your students are so lucky to have you!

  12. Replace the candy corn with peanut m&m's (like Catherine!) and you have captured my current coping strategy, Mary Lee. Thank you for sharing your 'sweetness'.

  13. My thoughts are with you and all the teachers, students and parents trying to find their way thhrough this year of too much.

  14. Ohmygosh, you've created the perfect metaphor for "a day like today." 2020 has been full of too many days wherein I've had enough.

  15. I think I've had enough, too.
    A single handful is about all I can manage a year of candy corn. And, a single day like today...


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