
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

National Poetry Month: #haikudiary.13


we teach the wrong things:
task completion, not passion
test taking, not joy

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2021

We've got seven weeks left, and I'm focusing as much as possible on passion and joy. Our newest fun: about 1/4 of the class is learning a new language using the DuoLingo app. 


  1. Phew! Some big, sad truth here!!!

    I love that they are learning new languages! That might even carryover to summer or lifelong learning!

  2. Sadly I feel this down to my bones. (Sorry if this came twice.) I had hoped the pandemic might shake us a bit and move us back toward what is most important in educating children for our future. How easily we return to the groove long established.

  3. Oh the dreaded test. I know you will bring joy in no matter what. You can't help yourself!

  4. True, but educators like are turning this tide. And yay for Duolingo learners! :)


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