
Friday, April 09, 2021

National Poetry Month: #haikudiary.9


singing in the dark
first one voice, then a chorus
early morning birds

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2021

Hmm...looks like I wrote a version of this haiku last week! These two haiku reflect not just the glory of springtime, but also my despair about (and hope for) the direction our country is poised to go. Let's be the wrens! Let's be the chorus!

Happy First Full Week of National Poetry Month! I can't wait to get caught up on all you've created! Tabatha has the Poetry Friday Roundup at The Opposite of Indifference.


  1. moon starts to descend
    pink, plum, orange push through black
    darkness turns to light

    Hope. Always hope, as light appears and the early morning birds begin their chorus.

  2. Same subject, but entirely different feeling in each poem! You are doing a round... or variations... beautiful! xo

  3. Indeed we must be in that chorus. I hear that very early chirp & it starts the day beautifully! Happy weekend, Mary Lee!

  4. Those early morning birds bring such hope. Hoping our country joins together to in making harmonious music.

  5. Oh yes, let's be the chorus. There is always hope if we sing/act together!

  6. Well, I like BOTH versions of the lone vocalist, singing in the dark, so there. One Voice was one of my favorite vocal pieces from years of choral singing - and your poem brings that to mind.

  7. Yes, let's be the chorus!
    I liked your "impulse purchase" haiku...I have so much sympathy for the over-eagerness!

  8. I love this! Write as many haiku as you want about the dawn chorus, literal or metaphorical!

  9. I have noticed our Indiana chorus these past few days. It puts me in a cheery mood on my way to school!

  10. That one bird in the dark--just so f'ing DETERMINED to wake the day! Who can resist joining in?

  11. I love the echo in your two haiku, but each is different. Here's to hope, and to early morning birds, too.

  12. Isn't it strange when you realize you write almost the same poem twice? I missed the first one--but can relate to this. Yay for the chorus (although at my house the bird chorus is being drowned out by peepers and toads.)

  13. 'wren' in doubt, sing it out - in a chorus!

  14. Oh, I love those birds and that time. My cat and I do a lot of poetry writing as the birds sing to us.

  15. This makes me sigh in delight. The birds are singing outside my window right now as I sit here by the fireplace:>) I am also hearing Barry Manilow singing "One voice, singing in the darkness..." That will now be stuck in my head all day!

  16. Love the momentum that builds to a chirping crescendo. Lovely, Mary Lee!

  17. "Let's be the wrens! Let's be the chorus!" Yes–forevermore! Love our "early morning birds," thanks Mary Lee!

  18. What a beautiful way to enter into a new day! A special invitation for those of us who recognize the secret handshake.


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