
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Submit a Piece about Your Reading Life to our Local Gallery

We are excited to be hosting a Local Gallery as part of NCTE's NATIONAL DAY ON WRITING CELEBRATION! On October 20, the National Galleries will be open to the public. There are lots of great galleries that highlight the writing that we all do in our daily lives. Mary Lee and I will be curating a local gallery as part of the submission and we are inviting you to join us by writing a piece for the gallery.

Here is the description of our Gallery:


Members of the Kidlitosphere are invited to submit stories from their reading lives. Your submission can be an anecdote from childhood, a recent experience around books or reading, a memory from school (good or bad), a vignette about learning to read, the impact of a particular book--anything about your life as a reader.

We are looking for a variety of short pieces (think blog post length) from anyone in the Kidlitosphere, including bloggers, authors, illustrators, readers of blogs, etc.

We wanted the Kidlitosphere to be part of the National Day on Writing so we started a gallery that went along with the thing we do best--write about our reading lives. Everyone who is a blogger, blog reader, author, illustrator, blog reader, blog commenter, etc. is invited to submit a piece of writing. We hope you'll join us! You can visit our local gallery, "A Lifetime of Reading" to submit a piece and read about guidelines for submission.

Right now, it is empty, but we are excited about the possibilities--a place to share stories of our reading lives! We think the Kidlitosphere can pull together to create a pretty amazing gallery that celebrates the lives of readers!


  1. This is so cool ... we will be sure to put the invite in Monday's roundup!

  2. Hey, just submitted my favorite piece: I Am a Mother Reader and am mentioning your fabu idea on my blog. Carry on.

  3. Very cool!! I am thinking of what to submit. Thanks for doing this!

  4. Nice idea - we'll put out the word via SLJ.

  5. This is great! I think I can find a blog post to contribute. I shared the link on Facebook, too.

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Aaaargh! I can't decide what to submit!!! I never really dealt with tags on my blog so I just went back to see if had "any posts about reading or books". HA! And now I've spent half the morning reading my own old blog!

  7. The gallery and your post here keep referring to "national". Is it appropriate for bloggers outside the USA to post?

  8. This is wonderful! Great work, ladies. I'll post something on Finding Wonderland soon, and I'm looking forward to (hopefully) finding time to write something up.

    (As you can see, I'm VERY SLOWLY catching up on kidlitosphere e-mail...)


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