
Monday, June 14, 2010

100+ Cool Teachers In Children's Literature

It's been a while since we've added a new teacher to our list of Cool Teachers in Children's Literature.

When we started the list, in the summer of 2006, we were hoping to collect a list of 100 Cool Teachers. We are now up to 130 teachers!! The list is in alphabetical order by author's last name.

Mandy, at Enjoy and Embrace Learning, has suggested Ms. Lilly from Noonie's Masterpiece by Lisa Railsback. In her nomination, Mandy writes:
"Ms. Lilly is insightful and wise. I love these two bits of advice she gives Noonie; 'artists have the power to change the world' and 'sometimes artist block is a good thing.' Ms. Lilly is also instrumental in showing Noonie it's okay to carry around a mentor text, the Masterpiece, it's a collection of different artist Noonie refers to constantly while she thinks about her own art. Ms. Lilly guides Noonie at the end showing her how to accept her journey and life."

Have there been any cool teachers in the books you've read recently?


  1. Ms. Lupe from Operation Yes should be added to the list.

  2. Not exactly a teacher but I loved Mrs. Brook, the school counselor in MOCKINGBIRD by Kathryn Erskine. Caitlin, the main character in this book, has Asperger's, and her differences make school kinds of things like recess, friendship, and group projects very difficult. On top of that, her brother has just been killed in a school shooting. Mrs. Brook works so hard to understand Caitlyn, to accept her differences, and to help her behave in ways that are socially appropriate. She works equally hard, however, at helping Caitlin's peers understand and appreciate Caitlin. I'd like to work with Ms. Brook.

  3. Kyle, Ms. Lupe is already on the list -- good pick, though. I totally agree!

    Carol, even though Ms. Brook isn't a classroom teacher, she absolutely deserves to be on the list! I agree about wanting to work with her.

  4. I simply love this list. Thank you! I am going back to my books to see if I can imagine any others, and I am going to be sure to read all of these. Perhaps this list could be required reading for pre-service teachers! This blog is so cool.


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