by David Borgenicht and Justin Heimberg
illustrated by Chuck Gonzales
Chronicle Books, 2010
review copy purchased for my classroom library
My fourth graders love reading the advice in the regular and extreme editions of the Junior Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbooks, so I'm sure they'll love this one, too.
In this edition, readers receive handy advice on how to deal with aliens, monsters, hauntings, time travel, and magic and myth.
I went straight to the time travel section to learn what to take (gold, snacks, a water purifier and a first-aid kit, among other essentials), how to survive in ancient times (eat gingko nuts in dino times, take toilet paper to ancient Rome, shave your head in ancient Egypt, and don't bother jousting in Medieval times) and what to ask your future self (What's the most important lesson I've learned?).
This fun parody of advice writing would make a great mentor text. It would also be fun to frame research writing in a how-to-survive format.
Looks fun! I think my younger two would like it a lot.