
Thursday, October 28, 2010

100 Things About Me As A Reader

Photo from Flickr by brianjmatis

About two weeks ago, Franki posted the beginning of her list of 100 Things about her as a reader. That post has inspired individuals to make their own lists, and it has inspired teachers to have their students start a list. The results are always surprising and revealing. Here's my list so far:

1.   I read a lot.
2.   There's always someone who reads more than I do, and I aspire to be more like them.
3.   I don't read electronic books (yet).
4.   I love audio books.
5.   I once had to drive to Burlington and back in one day (+/- 6 hours) and David Sedaris read to me all the way there and back.
6.   My current audio book is CUTTING FOR STONE.
7.   I grew up in a house full of books.
8.   We had an enormous collection of comic books, too.
9.   Everyone in my home was a reader.
10. I went to the library every week when I was a kid.
11. I now have an educator library card that allows me to check out 50 books at a time. I often do.
12. My mom tried to get me to be a mystery reader like she is.
13. I used to think that I don't like to read any mysteries.
14. I'm finding out that there is a kind of mystery that I do enjoy.
15. I found these mysteries through my adult book club.
16. I've belonged to my book club for more than 20 years.
17. My book club stretches me as a reader.
18. Being on/chairing the NCTE Notables has stretched me as a reader.
19. The Notables has taken over my reading life the past few years.
20. I'm looking forward to reading what I want again.
21. When I was in middle school, I would often spend Sunday afternoons lying on my bed re-reading sad books and letting the tears slide down my cheeks into my ears.
22. I chose to be an English major largely because it seemed like heaven to be able to do all that reading.
23. In spite of my English major, I have read woefully few classics.
24. Teaching kids to read deeply is one of the best gifts I can think of to give to the future of humanity.


  1. Fun, Mary Lee! #21 - I'm a lover of sad books, too, and have this same memory. I think I read the book Sunshine about 20 different times--and I'm not much of a re-reader!

  2. I love #24! I'm a teacher on leave of absence and one of my passions is teaching kids to read and write and with Passion and depth! I also love my book club and how it makes me grow. Always have at least one professional piece of literature, a fun book, a magazine, and other random books scattered around my house for me to pick up and read! Oh, and Blogs...been reading a lot of those lately. I also find it funny that as passionate as I am about English and Literature, I've read few classics! I'm always embarrassed to admit that. :) Great blog.

  3. Anonymous2:19 AM

    I love this idea. I'm going to have to work on my own list now.

  4. If I could check books out of the library for the Kindle, I would be HUGELY happy. It's so much lighter to carry home than several books every day. Plus, they still have a fascinating tech value to them.


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