
Monday, April 25, 2011

Poem # 25 -- Life, With Poetry Strewn

The poetry of an impromptu
Easter brunch.

The poetry of chickadees toodling.

The poetry of a completed to-do

The poetry of trees in bloom.

The poetry of the world through
a camera lens.

The poetry of Sunday afternoon
at the coffee shop.

Life, with poetry strewn.

©Mary Lee Hahn, 2011


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for reminding me to look for poetry! The photograph is lovely also! You are one talented gal!

  2. Life gives me pretty good material to work with!!!

    :- )

  3. "Life, with poetry strewn."

    I love this! Our chickadees are toodling too. Thank you, Mary Lee. This poem is what I needed today facing a pile of work after a break. Today I will find the poetry strewn. A.

  4. That is one gorgeous photo, and a lovely poem to go with it. Very nice! I love the image of toodling chickadees.

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Love that poetry is all around us and can be pulled from the daily and ordinary.

  6. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Thank you for a lovely poem. We had baby quail in this part of the country. Love it!


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