
Thursday, December 01, 2011

November Mosaics

I've had loads of fun with the ComicBook app this month! It's gotten me taking more pictures on my phone because I'll be able to use them in a comic!

Actually, it looks like the company, 3DTopo, has several more apps that I need to look into. Motivational Poster looks like a hoot!

So as you can see, November started with Election Day. We had success at the state level getting SB5 repealed, but at the local level around our area, results were mixed on the school levies.

Above is a nod to the season. The leaves have been down for awhile, but it's only in the last couple of days that it has really FELT like November. (Not that I miss the usual dank chill...)

And of course, November brings NCTE. Here are a couple of collections of Chicago pictures, and one from NCTE itself. You might be able to tell how much I loved the Field Museum!

And here's the "standard" mosaic for this month:

In the top row, you will find a reunion. That's me and a former student, David Donofrio, who has just announced that he is running for a spot in the OH House of Representatives!

We've had an unusually nice November this year -- look at all those blue skies! You might not be able to tell what the first picture in the second row is. You'll need to check it out on Flickr to get the full effect -- the title is Brutus Buckeye Butt and Blimp: Fun With Alliteration. 

In the fourth row are two I took from my classroom window. We watched that squirrel napping in the top of the Sweet Gum tree for most of an afternoon. And there's Mr. William, our big handsome kitty, basking in the sun by the back door. We humans aren't the only ones who enjoyed the sunny November!

In the fifth row is Bill, from Literate Lives. (His is the picture in the middle, silly. That other turkey is the one we ate for an early Thanksgiving dinner with friends!) Bill did a family storytelling event at my school and I finally got to see firsthand how he works magic with his Picks from the Pit. I, too, lovelovelove I Want My Hat Back, (Franki's posts here and here) but I love it even more now that I've heard him read it aloud. 

And now, on to December! Bring it, Twelfth Month! Show us what you've got! Next week I'm going to review a picture book that's giving me some ideas for a way to spice up my Project 365 for 2012. Stay tuned!


  1. I love what you are doing with the comic book app. I don't have a good camera in my cheapo phone so I don't think I can do that. I would love to see what students do with it though! Looking forward to what you are doing to try in 2012!

  2. Love the integration of the comic app and what fun to add captions to catch the month in review-you got me thinking again :)

  3. Love that you integrate technology with reading!
    It turned out super!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure


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