
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

STREAMSIDE -- a river poem, a spring poem


On the path
a girl is strolling,
by the path
a stream is rolling.

In the stream
the water glitters,
under water
crawdad skitters.

Path in spring
is good for going,
Stream in spring
is good for flowing.

© Mary Lee Hahn, 2012

Poem #3, National Poetry Month 2012

Thank goodness for my writer's notebook! The poem I thought I was going to write for today refused to be written. But I had bits and pieces of this poem in a discarded version of my SCUTTLE poem.

Cathy, at Merely Day By Day, is joining me in a poem a day this month. Other daily poem writers include Amy at The Poem Farm, Linda at TeacherDance, Donna at Mainely Write, Laura at Writing the World for Kids (daily haiku), Liz at Liz in Ink (daily haiku), Sara at Read Write Believe (daily haiku)...and YOU?


  1. So, although you may not have liked the word at first, skitter turns out to be quite useful! Mary Lee, your poetry writing is spare & sets the scene very well indeed. The poem itself just rolls along, like the river or stream.

  2. Yes, thank goodness for notebooks! They don't judge what you put in them, and never lose a thing.

    I love the way the rhythm of your poem evokes the strolling and rolling. I need a stream nearby!

  3. Mary Lee,
    Like you, I've been thankful for my notebook. I put it aside for technology a few years ago. I just was a little between collecting ideas on a device and on paper. While writing Slice of Life posts I realized that the best pieces were those that had some fragment from my notebook. I had played more with the writing in my notebook. I was able to cross out, write numerous possibilities, and discover lines that work. So...I'm back to my notebook. Lesson learned. Now if I could just figure out how to organize it!?

    I enjoyed your poem. I loved the rhythm of it. It just made me want to fun beside the stream and enjoy the life around it.


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